The Twentieth

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"Fuck." Charlotte swore out loud, turning towards the animal in the room.
"Why would you inhabit such a vile, disgusting creature in here Charl?" Poppy spat on the floor sloppily, leaving some drool lingering on her chin, like a hyena or tiger eyeing up its next meal.
Holy fuck, holy fuck, HOLY FUCK.
"He.. he said he'd scream if I didn't hide him, and I felt...." she was clearly struggling to find the right words to excuse herself.
"Enough. I shall deal with you later. Go back to your duties whilst I clean up this... thing." Disgust was ridden all over Poppy's face as she held the sword skilfully by her side, keeping the blade deathly still. I stood normally, allowing myself a breath before she charged at me, point facing forwards and inches away from the side of her head. A high pitched scream emerged as she charged me, and I was taken by surprise, so she managed to snag my arm rather heavily, taking a small chunk of my shoulder off. It was so small, in fact, that I didn't really feel it. I saw the chunk fly off, and some blood emerge to lightly cover the new weakness in my body, but felt nothing.
"Wow. Your pretty quick." My reply, surprisingly nonchalant, said. I raised my fists, and took a fighting position.
Just like the one I used to beat Liam.
A flashback of Liam's broken and beaten body came to my mind, and I had to shake my head to clear it. But, as I opened my eyes, I realised that Poppy was dashing me again, so I sidestepped, and scrambled over to the shelves full of chemicals. Dozens of the same littered the place, clumsily stuck in whichever hole they would fit in best. A few hung loosely on the ledge itself, as if their very life depended on this.
There's got to be the stuff I'm looking for on here...
I knew how to make things go boom. I always have done. I'm not terrorist, but I do love a good baking soda volcano. Or coke and mentos. I found out, through vigorous testing and strange purchases at home department stores, that you could replace this sort of stuff. All you needed was hydrogen chloride, sodium carbonate, and gunpowder.
Poppy must have these. She's a lovely-turned-psycho!
"Step away from those, FILTH!" She shouted, rushing me again. My eyes caught 'hydrogen chloride' before I had to dart out of the way of the human missile that torpedoed its way towards me. Charlotte had put herself away from all of this, in my old spot, and seemed fearful of Poppy. I could see racks of fear rush through her. Poppy had just managed to rush me, and brought the sword down sideways, causing her to lop into my arm, carving into the thing and leaving a huge cut that stretched across the entirety of my hand and crept up towards my shoulder. It was pure blood red as it bled, causing me to feel slightly faint, even if it wasn't the first time seeing my own blood.
The baseball bat... ugh.
"I should've taken your arm off... what the fuck are you made of, trash?" She questioned as she came in for another slash, which I barely managed to dodge. This caused me to stagger up next to the shelves. Quickly remembering where I saw it, I grabbed the first ingredient, pocketing one of the convenient pouches that sat inside it, already divided and ready to be created.
Drugs. Bad business. Does crazy shit to people.
"DONT TOUCH THOSEEE!" She screeched like a witch as she came in again, her slashed more wild, and the intent of drawing more than blood clear. I could barely keep away from the bloody thing, as I'd had no training prior to this. She slashed with such quick and skilled succession that I was extremely surprised at the sudden fact that I was still alive. Passing the shelf again, my eyes thankfully picked out 'gunpowder'
God knows what drugs this is used for.
Again, everything was neatly packaged inside, which allowed me to grab it after I'd dodged another almost fatal attack. Next to gunpowder was the final thing I needed. 'Sodium carbonate'. Taking a sample of that, I risked a glance at Poppy, and saw that she'd already spun round, ready for another smack down.
I'm not gonna live long enough to make this fucking thing at this rate.
"DIE!" She screamed again, rushing towards me, her high pitched screams perforating my eardrums as she struck my chest with a slice that felt like I'd burned my entire body. My vision blurred for a second before correcting itself, along with the colours of the world mixing. Poppy only seemed more pissed off as she raised her sword to hit again, clearly going to cut off my head. My chest made it difficult, but I managed to spring aside, and caused her to strike the floor. Not being able to stop myself, I crashed into the table, causing the cocaine and the sheet to suddenly tip and fly everywhere.
Adrenaline allowed me to step up quickly. I desperately searched around for something, and by complete luck, I found a gas mask.
What the fuck is a gas mask doing in here? I'm guessing it's for when it needs testing... huh.
I rushed towards it, not worrying about Poppy, and managed to strap it on before taking a deep breath in, and feeling the sweet air hit me instead of deathly snow. I couldn't see Poppy, so she probably couldn't see me.
I'll take that. Now, mix the shit.
Having nothing better, I simply put all three on the floor in front of me, allowing for them to mix. It would take around thirty seconds for all three of these things to mix and create an explosion of smoke that would let me escape with ease. The snow around us was starting to settle as I spotted a figure in the distance. It seemed to be hunched over, drenched in sweat, and struggling to breathe. As I got closer, the creature looked up, and I realised it was Poppy. She looked like a fucking animal, and her eyes reflected that... only, her eyes...
Pure black eyes stared into my soul, scanning everything that I was afraid of, every sin is committed, every atrocity I'd been a part of.
"Death..." she stumbled towards me, the cocaine clearly having an effect. I slowly kept stepping back, almost tripping on the table I'd come into contact with.
Only ten seconds left Adam. The smoke will ignite, and... wait... ignite... Cocaine is flammable, and it's still-
A sudden explosion that rang through my entire body and soul was heard by me and Poppy as flames spurred from the original starting point. The imminent effect of the fire consuming us began to happen as our bodies started to burn and crackle like a hog roasted over a spit. The sensation was indescribably horrid. It felt like I was being simultaneously prodded by one billion red hot pokers whilst ants crawled in my skin. I watched Poppy's body crackle as her skin turned red, then blistered, then turned black. She took one last screech, Like a dying animal, before she hit the ground, as dead as I was about to me. I looked down through all the pain, and saw my body blistering and bubbling like the top layer of a lasagne.
Desperately, I stumbled towards the door, to find it already open, and Charlotte to be standing out there, head in her hands after seeing what happened. I stumbled forward, about to beg for her help, before Callum appeared. He took one look at me, the room behind me, and did something I never thought any human being would ever do:
He shut the door, and watched me die.

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