The Fifteenth

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"W-wait, wait wait wait... what..?" I stuttered out, trying to comprehend what just happened.
So that was real... No, it can't be. This is all just a coincidence. A large, unforeseen coincidence. I'm sure there's a perfectly explainable reason as to why the fuck Callum is in my house, making my parents' bed. Maybe I hired him as housework?
"It's glad to see you alive. The bullet was a large pain to get out of the ceiling. It simply flew out of your stomach! Crazy to watch." Callum went back to making the bed, as if this was all completely normal.
"What..?" I was still stunned that I was in reality. There's no way this all happened. There's no way.
How many times did I die yesterday?!
"I'm guessing you've eaten? I could hear the kettle and the toast. It's the reason I woke up after all..." Callum's voice drifted off as his eyes set onto mine. I could tell what he saw: Confusion, upset, anger, loss, and general disorientation.
Fuck... What the actual fuck is going on?!? Adam, this is a dream. I know you don't think it is, but it's a dream. It's the only rational expectation.
"Callum..." I managed out, still heavily confused about what I was going to do. He looked as formal as ever: Blue jeans without any creases, a T-shirt that curved around his muscular arms, and the diagonally curved up-left hair I was used to seeing on him.
"Yeah?" He responded after is trailed off into nothingness.
"Not to be rude but..." I stopped, almost afraid.
It's okay. He can't do anything too bad to you, can he?
"Why the fuck are you in my house?!" I suddenly spat out, voice cracking at the end. Terror slowly started to creepy through my body, trying to twist its deep, dark, and evil roots into me.
"Well, I was told to keep an eye on you, and... well, it's been two days..." Callum stopped and looked down at his feet, seeming stuck on something.
"I've been asleep for two days?!" I stood there in complete shock, still trying to get over the fact that this wasn't a dream. This was real. This is happening.
Holy fuck. Holy fuck. HOLY FUCK!! IM... W-W-HOW? How in the FUCK does this work? It doesn't make any sense or logically mean anything! HOW. THE. FUCK. AM. I. NOT. DEAD?!
Realising that Callum might take advantage of me panicking like crazy, I physically breathed out, as if I was sighing, put my mask on, and looked back into him. His brown eyes seemed to tell me a thousand stories, and that this was just another one.

It took me around fifteen minutes to comprehend this. I still couldn't get over the fact that I should be dead. Heck, I wish I was dead. Sometimes I dreamed about Heaven, and where my mum and dad would be. We aren't all clean human beings, and we've all sinned a few times, but I don't really know nor understand anything to do with said action. It's probably just something someone made up or misread. I'm no Christian. Heck, I don't know what I am now.
Am I even human anymore?
Eventually, after trying to get rid of him, I reluctantly agreed to let Callum stay, even if it was for one more night. He gave me room, peace when I needed it l, and stayed out of my way. All he was was a security camera, keeping track of me. He sat with me at breakfast, lunch, and dinner though. It felt strange, as I had always eaten on my own since my parents died, and the only money I got was the benefits that the government allowed me till I could either get a job or turned eighteen. Then I'd have to find work.
We were sitting around my table, cracked but still sturdy, eating something I'd whipped up in a short time. I'm pretty sure it was noodles or something. I wasn't in the mood to cook. Through the entire day, I kept checking my body, my mind, everything, just to make sure it was all there. My chest didn't feel hollow, my brain didn't feel numb, and my body didn't feel empty.
It did though. When your brains were visible, and your body was shot, you felt it. You knew how much it hurt. You knew what the fuck was going on.
"So why not allow yourself to be adopted, Adam?" I heard him say over my thoughts. I snapped back into reality quicker than a trap snaps onto a mouse's head and asked:
"Could you please say that again?"
"Why not allow yourself to be adopted? New parents, new life, new everything. I don't get it." Adam said, twirling the last few strands around his fork, clearly trying to make idle conversation.
"It's not that easy, you know?" I replied, still thinking about it. "I personally think that once you lose your original family, you can't really replace them. No one can replace blood, you know?"
"I kind of get what you mean, but what about all of the people who are happily re-homed? What about those who had a terrible home life and found someone better?" Callum was sincere enough, so so didn't throw away or try and dodge around his points. Plus, he'd put up with me this long, so it couldn't hurt to at least give him some sort of realistic answers...
Instead of stammering and acting like a complete fucking idiot. Might be a good idea, yeah?
"I've never felt the need. I've always felt like I could connect and be myself on my own. One day, I'm going to have to grow up and change, but for now, I'm happy being here by myself. The walls keep me company." I gestured to the house that surrounded myself and him, enclosing us in the arms of warmth.
"I could get my head around that." Callum said, finishing the food and putting the stuff in the sink. "Well, thanks for letting me peacefully keep and eye on you. I respect that. Also, thanks for feeding me. Not many people are as nice or as understanding as you are." Callum made it clear he was leaving at this point, so I stood up, shook his hand, and walked him to the door, just to be that nice of a guy.
"Well, it was great seeing you, even after everything. Thanks... for looking after me." I said as he stepped out into my front garden.
"Don't thank me, thank The Boss. He was the one who ordered me to. He seems to have a soft spot for you." Callum started to turn and walk up the garden, his footsteps ringing in the evening night.
"I'm guessing you don't disobey him that much?" I jokingly shouted at him, hoping he'd laugh.

All I got was a blank stare back.
He turned the corner, and disappeared behind all the hedges, leaving me to wonder what the fuck I was going to do next.

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