The Fourty-First

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My head felt like it had been blended together as I picked my body up and looked around, again feeling the blanket of darkness wrapping itself around me. Shaking my shoulders to remove the sudden feeling of fatigue, I took another look around, knowing all too well that blackness was the only thing I could see.
Hmm... What actually 'is' this place?
"HELLO?!" I shouted out into the darkness, hoping for some sort of person or entity to call back.
No avail.
Instead, I got a sudden rumbling feeling, as something ruptured a couple of meters away from me, shaking the ground and caused me to fall onto my knees. The shaking went on for a solid minute before synapsing down into nothing. Allowing me to regain my senses, I picked my body up yet again, and took yet another look around.
Nothing I haven't seen before...
"You sure?" I heard a voice emanate back, shocking me enough to make me jump and feverishly look around for someone else.
Again, nothing. There was no one here. No one else existed in this current state. All I could see was darkness. Sure, I could feel things, but I couldn't see them... I took a few steps forward, my mind concentrating on the sound of silence and the small cracking noises that my feet made as they hit whatever floor I was currently stepping on. The silence was staring to grate my edges, causing me to speed up slightly.
I'm usually awake by now... What the fuck is going on?
"It's because you've created such an incredible amount of mess." The voice deduced again, allowing an inside thought.
Maybe... this thing knows how my stuff works?
"This 'thing' has a name, you know.." I heard a sound similar to slithering retch it's way up behind me, causing me to spin around, fists locked into the fighting position I'd been so used to after such a while. My eyes took a moment to lock on to the creature that greeted me, giving me an insight that what I was going through, what I'd faced, was a lot deeper:
Poppy's monster stared back into my eyes, either with an intent for murder, or sympathy. I couldn't work it out. And, to be honest, I didn't need to.

Surprised, shocked, and completely defenceless, I stumbled back, sprawling my arms and legs into a sort of sprinting state as I scrambled up, seizing the few seconds I had before it would react. As I ran, I looked behind me, fearful of the creation's progress, before realising that the thing had disappeared entirely, leaving me alone again. I started to slow down, and looked around like a man looking for a fix before deciding that the thing has disappeared. Breathing in heavily, I took another look around, and noted at the fact that I was still here. The blackness still hadn't lifted, the thoughts were still circling, and I was still as confused as ever.
"Are you ready to speak now?" The voice asked me, seeming patient enough to warrant a second chance.
"I don't really have a fucking choice, do I?" I said back, standing up straight and taking a look around for the bloody thing again.
"Good. Well.." I could feel it chilling it's way across my spine before morphing into something directly behind me. The hairs on my back stood up strongly, repulsed yet intrigued by such a thing as it registered its appearance and disappearance act. The strange mash of faces that paved themselves upon the face of Poppy's monster returned, and my first thought was to ask about it.
"It's a mixture of all the things I've murdered." The monster answered me. The voice was still as accent-less as possible, yet still the words were completely understandable.
"What..?" I stopped, shocked for a moment, trying to work out why I hadn't been revived, how this thing got into my 'place', and what I'm supposed to do next.
"I'm trying to create the perfect human. One who could end all wars. One who could save humanity by destroying everyone who wanted to hurt anyone else. It's an art in itself really." The monster's features, even if they were twisting slightly, seemed to represent the feeling of 'calm'. It didn't give a slight fuck about what it had done. It did what it was meant to do: create.
Or collect. The parts on its face are a reveal.
"So, I've been... well, for a lack of better words, put into your body." The monster started to explain, and, as I tried to interrupt, screamed loudly before turning back to its initial response:
"After you rather rudely threw me out of Poppy's body, I'd crawled to the place she often visited and turned to me: the old schoolroom. Obviously, it was cornered off for... obvious reasons.." The thing in front of me coughed, rather stiflingly, even if it's mouth was positioned on the top-left corner of its face.
"So, I curled up there, regaining my strength until I could move again. Then, I met the man you just did..." All of a sudden, it's eyes darted into mine, looking for any information it could rip out sharply from them. I saw some of my most precious memories that I'd been reflecting on whizz past before the creature found what it was looking for.
"The Boss, as you call him. He found me, and I'd apparently known him long ago, or something like that. He seemed to want to feed my body with some sort of fluid, and I was too weak to object. After about half a cup, I could feel my body and limbs begin to grow back before leaping up with a smile." The thing then actually smiled at me to show what it meant. The crooked teeth were overshadowed by the mouth being controllable no matter where on the body.
"And so, I was given something one of the other guys called 'morph see-rum. Exactly like that." The creature again paused, and looked me over, trying to work out what was confusing me the most.
"Ah, you, how do you do it. That's what's running through your head right now, isn't it?"
I nodded hastily. I had to know. It was as if my life had become devoted to this sort of thing.
What makes me tick now?
"Honestly... you were just born with it." The creature said, flatly killing any explanation I was hoping for.
"... wait, really?" I repeated, surprised at the simplicity of it.
"Well, you were kind of born from it. Look, I'll take you back. Way, way back..." the creature suddenly sunk away it's features, and replaced its face with a black, smooth, slate, that showed my reflection. It then leaped onto me, and shoved its claws into my eyes, causing my vision to instantly obscure and my brain to black itself out from pain.
"Rest, hero. Rest." I heard the thing coo, sounding a lot like my mother.
"I'm no fucking hero." I managed to mutter out before my brain finally closed itself off to the outside world.

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