The Fifty-Second

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Well, I'm back here again.
I stared into the familiar void, with my dark and dead eyes. All it seemed to do was simply laugh at my attempt to penetrate it, to try and find some hope in its constant hits of failure.
HEY! Creature! You here?!
"Is there a problem?" I heard a voice from behind me, the same one as always. It seemed to manifest itself into the direct centre of my brain, so I couldn't ignore it as it probed through my brain to find something to grab unto.
"Uh, yeah. I wanted to know why we instantly jumped the Headmaster. I wanted answers, not another death in my hands." I said, gently looking it over to make sure I was keeping it calm. No visible signs of anger struck it in any way, so it was clearly working.
"I hadn't eaten in a while. Do you know how that feels? To starve for a long period? I do. It's awful." It answered me plainly, giving me the truth.
"To be fair, if I hadn't eaten, I'd probably starve too. But I guess it would take you longer? You seem like a divine being." I kept the conversation going, trying to get some sort of information out of him. Anything would do better than waiting to be revived and watching the dark void.
"I suppose. I still don't like not eating. It hurts. I need food to live, just like you."
"What about water?" I questioned, wondering if it came from a different planet.
"Well, I'm fairly sure I don't need it, considering I've been living inside of your body."
"Wait..." my mind was reflecting the most recent times, trying to find something else that needed an explanation.
"You said something about Nusanda... the teacher that tried to kill me-" I began, but got interrupted.
"Ah, yes. That one. I mean, it might have been my fault..." The Creature seemed to step back and recluse a slight bit, showing capability to empathise with me. It seemed to feel exactly how I did at that point: afraid.
"You caused it?!" I could feel my blood boiling in my veins and my body as I realised this piece of shit was the cause of all of this.
You... FUCKER...
"Woah!" I heard it say, claws up and hands shaking, as if to say 'don't throw'.
"This, in no way, is my fault. Nusanda... I think it would be better to show you." It timidly spat out, trying not to set me off anymore than I currently was.
"No way! If it involves the stabby-stabby-in-my-eyes stuff, not a chance." I stood my ground this time, being sick of all of the crap that I was being put through.
Wake up body. For fuck sake, wake up!!
"Well, I'm sorry, but if you won't listen, I'm going to have to forcefully show you." It said, as it claws extended. My hands came up, plain and normal.
Blunt versus strong...
it took him about seven seconds to snap both of my arms and poke his shit in my eyes as I fell down, finally giving into it's influence.

Opening my eyes, I almost automatically saw that I had nothing to do with this dream. It was almost like I had every camera angle in a movie. I could see anything I wanted to. In front of me was a restaurant. It was a standard deal: rectangular, box-like, and ready to be used to cook some good shit. A few people seemed to meander their way into the establishment, letting out some light, but letting in some darkness.
Huh. If that isn't a metaphor for life then I don't know what is.
As I watched, a black shadow came out of the darkness, and around the restaurant's side alley, stumbling like it was either wounded or drunk.
"It's drunk." I heard the Creature in my head inform me. Seeming to never want to be out of my thoughts or sight, it appeared next to me, crouched in the air slightly before looking towards me.
"This isn't the human you've met. This is a whole new story. It could be a novella for all I know." The tone sounded melancholic and upset, and almost immediately I knew someone was about to die.
A loud crash could be heard from the side of the alleyway as the shadow seemed to break something made of glass. It could've been a window or a bottle: from here, they both sounded the same.
Especially to my prehistoric ears... that thing next to me could probably fucking detect every single piece of glass that hit the floor.
"Two hundred and fourteen pieces hit the floor." The Alien turned to me with something of a smirk on its face.
"Alright. Jeez..." I tried to sound dejected, but I couldn't help smiling, even if it was a little bit.
Another loud crash could be heard, this one making the person about to enter the restaurant turn and look towards it. The guy looked ready to refine his life here: Smart Tuxedo, slicked hair, and some of the most beautiful eyes I've ever seen. In some ways, those eyes were the most encapsulating feature of him.
"These ring a bell?" I snapped away and look back at it, hoping for a response. The penny was teetering on the table for a long time before it finally dropped:

My English teacher. Practically risen from the dead, and walking through the streets. He looked a lot more refreshed and ready, even if this was only a memory. He seemed to want to take on the world and anyone who voted against it, as he gently closed the swinging doors, threw his jacket back onto his body, and headed round the corner, clearly worried or at least intrigued as to what was around the corner.
"And so it begins..." The Alien enlightened me, clearly use to seeing this memory.
I wonder how many people he's infected...
"Two." I heard it say.
"He was the first one."

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