The Fifty-Fifth

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Well, here's a fight to add to the list.
We swiped first, a long slash that cut even the air in front of us cleanly with a swipe, but did no effect to the enemy, who simply dodged backwards, carefully avoiding the lined desks. We were both in the teachers area, and The Mask had started to weave its way through the tables, trying to gain ground. Clearly, we weren't allowing such an action, as Monster leaped onto the teacher's desk, gave a high pitched howl, and sprang towards The Mask, a glint catching both of our eyes. The reaction time was too slow, and we'd managed to pin the duo down by our claws, before scratching deeply into the chest of The Mask's current body. I heard a snake-like hiss, but apart from that, there was no noticeable reaction. No arms flailed about, no panic from the hidden eyes, nothing.
It's legs kicked themselves out, swiping me down and causing my body to connect with the floor harshly. I grimaced myself, so I could feel it.
Those legs are going to be a problem.
Yep, definitely.
The roles were reversed: The Mask has the upper hand, even as blood slowly trailed itself down from the chest hole we'd created. His right fist came down, but we intercepted cleanly before snapping the hand just at the wrist, causing his hand to flop down and almost disconnect entirely. Looked as lifeless as anyone on my dead list. The Alien wasn't finished yet, as it then swiped out, slashing off the hand from the wrist downwards, causing the hand to then lazily fall to the floor before landing with an extremely wet slap. Before The Mask could react, we snapped ourselves back, using the human's body as a springboard. He grunted as we leaped back to the front, keeping a clear eye on its movements.
So far, it's been easy enough.
Of course. But, it's only the beginning.
Groggily, The Mask made its human stand up, seeming to lean upwards instead of the sides, so it has the image of levitating. It's head then snapped towards us, and I could almost picture a smile on its plastic face as it then sprinted towards us, crashing through tables and chairs before flipping the stand we were perched on, causing us to fall back and slam into the wall. A small burst of pain ran its way across my spine as a few hits began to rain down on us, causing The Creature to throw its hands up, blocking the hits.
"Not as strong as you think you are, are you?"
The response was a claw that poked its way out of our defence before skewering the other hand that was hitting me. The Mask clearly noticed, and tried pulling away, but I could feel The Alien's anger, and I knew it wasn't about to be a clean and simple getaway for it. The claw was raised above our head, and the human, who couldn't usually withstand a lot of pain, was thrown across the room, clashing with the floor, then the tables, then the Bunsen burners that lined them all. A few bursted, doing nothing, but one did in fact explode just under him. You didn't hear much, except a loud popping sound, like someone farted a bit too loud. It seemed to lift our opponent up for a few seconds, before gently sending him down again. No blood emerged, so I assumed that the ballast of energy was simply absorbed through to The Mask, but, as I watched, the body began to smoulder and smoke slightly.
What? What's it doing?
It's spreading the heat around the body instead of containing it in one place. It's the main reason it's still standing.
Well, why didn't you do that for me when I was in Poppy's drug haven room?
That's a good question. I was still waiting to see if you were the one I could stick with.
I burned to death-
Near death, not actual death.
I had no comeback to that.
"Well. I'm surprised. This is the longest someone has lasted." The Mask enlightened us, allowing a small glimmer of hope to emerge from the depths of my body. The Alien just roared, and bared itself for another round. The smoky body seemed to blend into the rest of the atmosphere as we tried to keep our head onto it. It then phased out, and I couldn't see it. It practically disappeared from my view before reappearing in front of me. A punch, raw with power, crunched itself into the side of our face, causing a harsher, more extreme pain to clash with my actual body, making my brain hurt and the side of my face sting slightly.
Why am I getting hurt by this?
I have no idea...
Another fist comes into view, and hits the other side, allowing the sound of a brick hitting the floor to rattle its way across the classroom. A dazed, half-glazed vision poured itself over our eyes as a fist hit us directly in the face, causing the head we shared to roll back. I could feel the consciousness we shared slip away, so in a desperate moment, I thrusted my arms forward, trying to get his to move. I couldn't see anything, so all I could do was stand in shock and pray to whatever god(s) were up there that it worked. I heard a laugh as our head pulled its way back, allowing another full vision of the blood, smoky, crushed, yet still breathing human.
"Well, this was fun." Were the only words we heard before another fist inched it's way closer to our face, before stopping dead in its tracks, a wonderful look of complete surprise that I'm sure was hidden acutely behind that thing.
Even the Alien looked confused, so I simply gestured down, allowing him to look, before a smile of his own emerged from its broken up face, bringing joy to my body as well as his. Both of the claws had gone through the human's chest, completely severing connection to his lower body, crushing his ribs and liver, and puncturing a lung, which began to spill out blood and a tar-like liquid that spread itself all over the floor. The liver that did hit the floor spat out some half digested food that bubbled and contracted itself through both ends, mixing itself with the blood and the dark of the floor. I think a few seconds passed, which just allowed me to savour the moment of impact, before the human attempted to remove our claws, but all it could do was lift its arms half-heartedly before letting them limp down again. The panic was clearly readable as it started to flail around like a rag doll being shaken by a toddler. Blood began to spill from what I was guessing was the mouth, and his body contracted as we started to stretch the body out a little more, before simply pulling our claws out, and allowing the body to land. To its credit, it landed on its feet, but it took about half a second before it began to start teetering, and staggering around the places, knocking over burners and glasses. A few shards dug themselves into bare skin around the eyes, mouth, and arms, drawing yet more blood. The red rivers all connected as the body finally flopped to the floor, a raging cough racking its way through it.
Wow. Holy shit... wow.
Yes, indeed. That was a fight to remember.
Yeah, holy shit.
I... I need to rest for a while, I'm afraid. I'm sorry, but this has left me weak.
What are you apologising for?! You saved us! Get some rest, I'll take it from here.
I felt my form change as my skin crawled it's way back into my body to replace itself with a more human form.
Thank you.

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