The Fifth

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"The Boss?" I asked, thinking he meant the headmaster "Sure! Where is he?"
"I'll take you to him." Was his reply as he walked out the door.
"Oh, and my name is Callum." Callum revealed, keeping his eyes forward as if I was Medusa. Am I really that scary? I mean, I must've been found on the floor barely breathing. That would shake anyone. A million thoughts must've ran through his head when he saw me... Jesus. I would've hated to be in his shoes. Imagine if a teacher turned up. How the fuck would he have explained that?

The hallway seemed to echo the inside of my mind: hollow, dark, and ominous. I have no idea what the fuck is going on. Honestly, I think shock has hit me. Why am I following this guy? Why haven't I called the police? I need to do that. Searching my left pocket, I found nothing except my headphones. My other one proved to be just as empty.

Nusanda took my phone. Bitch.

"You have to be the most calm person I've met." Callum interrupted the tense silence with his piercing voice.
"Well, it's only the headmaster." I replied calmly. I was never really in any sort of trouble, so I was a fresh face to create a good impression on.
"You think I'm taking you to the headmaster?" Callum suddenly spun on his heels, a picture of confusion on his face, eyes peering into mine.
"Y-Yeah?" I answered, wavering. Surely this is what he meant? I mean, who else could control the school? Oh, fuck. Fuck fuck fuck... Its time to leave, Adam.
"On second thoughts, I'm sure I'll be fine on my own..." I started to turn and walk, expecting him to accept the answer if given him.
"This isn't a choice." He said bluntly, and I could feel he had stopped and was staring me dead straight. I kept walking. What could he do: hit me? Beat me up? Make me bleed? He isn't allowed to do those things. And, he hasn't turned feral like Nusanda. At least, I hope not....
"I don't really want to go, so I'm just gonna keep walking." I stated plainly as I carried on walking straight. I'm sure the dust will settle soon. I just need to find a safe place, call the police, and be done with this whole thing.
"I said this isn't a choice." Callum's voice still twined it's way into my head, musing my brain into wondering what the fuck was going to happen or go wrong next. It felt like a movie: a crazy man had just jumped me, then some guy had told me to see 'the boss.' A crappy Mafia movie! That's what this feels like! Well, I can figure out how the ending should be worked out when I get the hell away from everything. Deep in my thoughts of what and how I was going to explain my situation, I Almost didn't hear the sound of pounding speeding towards me in quick succession. I almost didn't hear the sound of a large amount of body muscle and fat being swung up into an almost forty five degree angle poised directly towards me. I almost didn't hear the sound of air whooshing past this unstoppable object as it headed towards its target.
I almost didn't hear it. But I certainly felt it. It was almost like all of a sudden, my entire chest no longer existed. A flash of pain, like a hot knife stabbed into my skin, suddenly scraped its way across my ribs, mallets of harm strumming a timed tune as they did. My hands went to my chest to defend myself, but I could already feel how weak I was. Nusanda's kicks did some serious damage to me, and they even caused me to 'black out' over it. My vision started to distort itself as I grabbed onto the wall and focused on not throwing up everywhere.
You need to keep moving. Something has either just hit you in the ribs, or that crazy teacher had some serious power on him.
A shadow casually walked into sight, the exact same way it walked out of the classroom. It lit a cigarette as it stopped down to check how I was doing, and even through the ringing in my ears, I could still make out exactly who it was.
"As I said, this is not a choice." Callum said, tut-tutting me soon afterwards.
This guy is as crazy as Nusanda is!
"What... what the fu-...?" My body managed to wheeze out before I collapsed into a crawling state on the floor, one hand still on my chest.
You can't give up now. You could truly die. You could actually die in this moment. You need to get the fuck up.
I tried, I really did. I felt the force of my mind and body try to lift and break through the mental pain barrier that Callum had just fuelled, but to no avail.
The pain didn't stop, even after I gave up trying to stand, and I could feel Callum's present mood become stronger as he realised I couldn't go anywhere.
"I shoulda just done this at the start..." he trailed off to himself, clearly mused at the fact that I could barely breathe.
"It would... would have ma.. made thing.. things cleaner.. in the..." my body writhed as I threw up onto the floor, bringing up the pain and torture that I was going through.
"On second thoughts... I'd rather not have vomit all over me, thanks." Callum looked me up and down, as if I was a mess a dog created on the floor of his masters rug: I really shouldn't be here.
"Right." He said as he sling me over his shoulders, fireman style
"It's time for you to see The Boss."
I thought he was going to allow me to be conscious on the way, but clearly I was wrong, as soon afterwards, I felt a sharp pain on my neck, and my body started to fade away as my eyes closed for what I felt as the last time.
'I failed.'

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