The Twenty-Sixth

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"Oh! Hello!" Poppy waved at me joyfully, whilst my jaw proceeded to hit the floor and my brain started to swim in a confused state. Charlotte still had a hold of me, and managed to stop me falling whilst I held onto a wall, looking at the floor to stop myself from puking.
The last time I saw her, she was pork crackling, literally burning under her skin and on top of it. Now... she's fine? I must've seen things. Charlotte thought I was a different person, and this Poppy girl is completely fine. I clearly have the wrong end of the stick, like the other guy.
"Ain't this a coincidence?" Poppy chirped, still approaching.
Shit, clearly not.
Charlotte's position sharply changed to an upright, readied state.
"You've put me out of business." She said, a little less of that joy in her voice. She stopped a few paces in front of me, staring me down.
Look up.
Obeying, I did stare up, and found her in a normal state. No weird mess on her face, no burn scars, no nothing.
"H-how..?" Charlotte's terror was creeping back into her voice as she stepped back, wondering what the fuck was going on. I could feel the confusion she felt, as she clearly had no clue how either of us are still alive.
I wish I didn't know. I wish I knew nothing. If I did, then I could simply just go through my days like every other blind kid that there is at this school. Wouldn't that be wonderful?
She simply passed me after spying Charlotte. She walked as if she was gliding, not like any normal human would.
Are we human? I mean, I'm fairly sure I saw Poppy die, so she could be an angel.
"How are you alive?" I asked her, needing an answer. She ignored me as she crouched to her knees and stroked Charlotte's cheek sympathetically.
"It's okay... I'm here. It's not a dream, I promise..." I could hear Charlotte's short, sharp breaths and insane mumbling, but I could catch any of it. I took a few small steps closer, and I could see Poppy's skin bristle as I approached. It seemed to deform and twist as I watched it.
No... God, please, not the flesh face.
"Back." Her blunt reply shattered and resistance I had, and I stepped back, almost afraid of what was in front of me. Charlotte said something else, and Poppy's tone became slightly forceful as she spoke to her.
"No... it's okay, I promise. I'll take care of him this time." She turned back around to face me, and her position seemed to change as she curled her back and bring her arms up to the sky in a stretch before her eyes struck mine. I took another few steps back, and proceeded to ball my fists.
Run, idiot. You'll die here. Why didn't you run? You aren't as strong as you think.
"Afraid now, boy?" She said, the joy starting to trickle out of her voice as she came closer. She was unarmed, alone, and in an enclosed space.
Push lockers on her, smash her head into the wall, rip her fucking eyes out, do something.
"How are you still alive, filth?" She asked me, stopping her approach and cocking her head, as if she could only just remember.
"I-I-I... I don't know..?" My reply was hesitant and rapped in fake worry, but I felt like she saw directly through the lies.
"You know. Your like them." She proceeded to take a deep breath, stretch again, and utter out under her breath:
"Like us."

Her body then contorted itself in such a way that it folded in on itself. She looked like a patio chair. I heard a few bones snap in her body, a few of her veins must've burst, as blood erupted out of her chest and arms, like pus when a spot is popped. It spread into the floor, and started to dissolve into the air, red mist floating into complete nothingness. Her arms started to slowly rewind into her body whilst her head continued to control itself into a mess of chunks, flesh, blood, and human parts. A nose here, an eye around there, mouth somewhere around, that sort of placement. They seemed to constantly change as I stated with wide eyes. The typhoon on her face was mesmerising, as it kept on twisting her features until they couldn't move anymore. Her arms had finally contracted themselves enough, and a new, almost alien pair of arms appeared from the top of the human body. Blood exploded from the two points of contact as her chest and legs followed, simply climbing out of the suit skin. The face still hasn't developed a solid form, so continued to be a pinkish-white colour all over the head. The neck connecting the body seemed to merge around, changing from white to green. The green was extremely dark, with vein-looking chasms covering the entirety of her body. The thing itself still had a normal shape, and her legs supported this statement, as she had curved, shaped, muscular legs. Her arms were still above her head, as if she was a god-like figure, and her eyes were closed. She begun to slowly lower her arms, taking all the time she needed. As they sat on her sides, she suddenly sprung open her eyes, and it was a sight I was used to seeing:
Jet black.

What the FUCK?!
"WHAT THE FUCK?!" Charlotte mirrored my thoughts as she sprung up, moving back. Poppy, or whatever the fuck it was now, turned around, eyeing her up, and I could feel the cogs turning in her mind. Charlotte was still frozen in animation after the thing had looked at her.
"It's still me." A high pitched, low grumbling, accented, accent-less noise proclaimed, eyes still on her. Charlotte still looked extremely panicked, and as the creature turned to look towards me, she took her chance and started to run. The creature rose its hand in her direction, and she stopped. She simply just stopped. Mid run. Still about to scream.
"Ah, fantastic." It mused with my face before it literally flew towards me with an arm outstretched.
"Now the real fun begins."

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