chapter 1

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(A/N: okay so I want to put a memorable line from the show in every chapter on the beginning Idk why I just thought it would be a nice idea)

"someday somebody is gonna love you heart and soul" - Isabelle Lightwood

(Okay guys little side note the story starts with a weird storyline but I promise it's a Malec story so don't click away after the first chapter I promise it's a Malec fanfic)

Alec POV:

"Alec please wake up" I heard someone say I couldn't recognize the voice. when I opened my eyes I saw Clary "oh thank god you're awake" she said hugging me "w...what happened" I asked confused I hold her tight against my body. She pulled me away looking into my eyes "you got hit by a demon........" silents "Clary what are you not telling me" I said placing my hand on her cheek "you got hurt really bad.......they didn't know if you....." I saw tears in her eyes "hey hey come here" I said pulling her against my chest and lay down "It's okay I am here and awake it is gonna be fine" I said kissing her head "Alec we can't be seen" she said getting up again "'re right" I said with a sad voice "by the angel Alec" I heard Izzy say.

She came running to my bed and hugged me not paying much attention to Clary."I should go find Jace and tell him the news" she said walking away. "Alec are you okay," Izzy said losing her grip " I am fine Izzy just tired," I said "well get you're rest you got hit real bad," she said getting up from the bed " I will talk to you about the past couple of days later" she said "wait days" I said looking at her "yes you have been in a coma for all most a week" she said walking out of the infirmary.

I lay down again looking at the ceiling in silence but I didn't got much time because Clary came back with Jace "Alec thank god you're okay" he said running to my bed and gave me a hug. I looked behind him seeing Clary with a sad face looking and me and Jace.

Clary has been dating Jace for almost 3 years now, after working with her for a year I started to accept her but it was more than just friends. one month ago I kissed her it felt so weird but also so bad thinking about Jace

"Hey Alec are you okay," Jace said pulling me out of my thoughts "yeah yeah just tired," I said "I just need to go to bed," I said looking at Clary who got the hint "Jace I am going to bed talk to you tomorrow " Clary said walking away "yeah see you tomorrow babe" he said looking at her "I am going to bed so hopefully I will feel better tomorrow " I said to Jace. he nobbed and walked away "night," he said before he left the infirmary

I waited until he was gone when I got out of the bed and walked to my room.
When I walked in I saw Clary standing with her back to me. I slowly walked to her and put my arms around her waist "hey beautiful" I said kissing her neck. She let her head fall back on my shoulder and let out a soft moan "Alec I would love to continue this but we need to talk" she said walking away but she didn't get far because my arms were still wrapped around her "what do we need to talk about that is more important then this" I said kissing her neck again.
"Alec I am serious" she said turning around punching my head away and got out of my grip.
She walked to the bed and sat down. I sat down next to her placing a hand on her leg "Clary are you okay" I asked her "I I don't know Alec, I have been dating Jace for over 2 years now and I don't know if I want to give that up for something that happened a month ago and that is nothing more than an affair" she said. When she said the word affair something broke in me I don't know if it was my heart or something else but it was not good. I removed my hand and stood up crossing my arms walking through my room. "Alec I...." she started but I stopped her "go," I said cold "What, Alec...." she started again, "I said go" now a little angry pointing at the door.
She looked down and walked to the door before she left the room she said something but I couldn't hear it my head was filled with something else regret pain sadness.

Next morning:
I felt the warmth of the sun in my skin when I opened my eyes. I got out of bed quickly took a shower and put on sweatpants and took a shirt. I walked to the training room and put down the shirt and started hitting the punch sack. I started hitting harder and harder until I felt a hand on my shoulder I looked around and saw Magnus.
"Alexander are you okay," he asked worried
"Yeah I am fine why do you ask," I said looking at him

Magnus has always been a great friend and helped him with everything he had always felt when he was in the same room and it felt nice being around him but after what clary said last night I started thinking about him and clary and for some reason Magnus....... he always left some kind of connection  some kind of klick......
"Alexander," Magnus said pulling me out of my thoughts.
"Yes what's wrong," I asked
"Are you okay?" he asked again
"Yeah I am fine," I said a little annoying
"Really," Magnus said pointing at my hand who had become red from all the punching
"Okay maybe I am not," I said looking down
"Alexander whatever it is you can tell me," Magnus said putting a hand on his arm and then he noticed that he still was half naked.
He walked past Magnus grabbing his shirt and put it on
"Magnus I would love to talk but I have to get back to work I have been in the infirmary for almost a week and I am still the head of this institute," I said walking past Magnus to my office.

So what do you guys think so far a good story or maybe not let me know BTW later in the story Alec is gonna know that he never really liked or loved clary he was just trying to do something to avoid something but I am not saying too much you have to read that........

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