124) stop!

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When Alec found his bow he aimed an arrow at Dean his head. "Alec, put the bow down I know you won't shoot me," Dean said with a smirk on his face. "You don't know one thing about me for years you manipulated me, think in that I didn't had someone who loved me, that my family abandoned me," Alec said waking closer. Magnus turned around while Alec took a step back knowing what Magnus meant. Alec took a deep breath aiming the arrow and shot it into his shoulder. Magnus used his magic knocking him out. Magnus looked at Alec who nodded making sure he was okay. "We need to get him to the Institute," Alec said walking over to Dean and picking him up holding him by the arm over his shoulder. Magnus opened a portal and they both walked through.

Dean groaned opening his eyes trying to get up but realized that he was stuck. He looked around the room seeing Alec, Magnus, Izzy, Clary and Jace all there. Dean his face changed when he saw the injections and Alec in the same sort of chair on the opposite side of him. "What are you doing," Dean asked looking at Alec and the rest. "Making sure you can't hurt anybody, and I don't have to be connected to you for another second," Alec said looking at him and then at Magnus. "This will hurt," Izzy said handing Clary and injection to give to Dean. Izzy walked over to Alec sitting down next to him pressing the needle into his skin at the same time with Clary. Alec closed his eyes squeezing Magnus his hand. Alec started to breath heavy and scream. "You have to stop this," Magnus said looking at Alec screaming, while Alec his screaming got mixed with Dean's. "I can't, we have to wait until it works," Izzy said looking at Alec in horror.

When both Alec and Dean stopped screaming Alec was sweating and holding onto Magnus his arm. Jace smiled grabbing a dagger ready to slid Dean his throat when Izzy screamed stop. "What the hell Iz," Jace asked moving the dagger from Dean his throat. "We don't know if it worked, try his hand." Izzy said pointing at Dean his hand. Jace forcefully grabbed Dean his hand and made a cut. Alec looked at his hand but nothing appeared. Dean smiled brightly snapping his fingers unchaining himself and with a bit of magic slamming everyone against the walls while Alec was still sitting in the chair. Magnus groaned pushing himself up seeing Dean stand in front of him. Magnus inhaled pushing himself up using his magic to blast Dean against the wall opposite of him. Magnus walked over to Alec helping him up slipping the ring on his finger. "Take this and get to Catarina," Magnus said making a portal. "But your magic," Alec said. "I have enough to take him down, your free of him remove the baby with help of Catarina, as long as he is not close to the ring, I can take him," Magnus said in a hurry. Alec looked around seeing Izzy groaning while Jace was helping Clary up. "I'll take care of them," Magnus said before pushing Alec through the portal.

Alec pushes himself up seeing a confused Catarina in front of him. Alec stood up looking at her with concern. "We have a problem," Alec said.


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