chapter 23

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Magnus POV:

I carried Alec to the couch and lay him down. I grabbed a towel and wet him. I rushed back to Alec and placed his on the wound on the back of his head, " s...stele" Alec mutter reaching out to his pocket. I quickly grabbed his stele handing it to him. He pulled up his shirt and used his stele on the healing rune.

Alec body calmed down and his breathing became normal I took away the wet towel and looked at his head who was al health but the blood was still all over the back of his head "are you okay" I asked looking at him and placing my hand on his cheek. "I'm fine, thank you" he rested his head in my hand and closed his eyes "let's get you to bed " Alec nodded weakly getting up but he didn't stand long, I grabbed his body helping him walk to the bedroom and placing him in bed

Alec POV:

While I took off my pants and got under the sheets Magnus walked back into the living area "Magnus" I asked weakly "yeah" he said looking around the door at me "are you not coming" I asked looking at him "give me a minute" he said walking into the living room again

after 2 minutes Magnus came back with a glass of water and placed it on the nightstand next to my side of the bed. He took off his pants and got into bed. I opened my arms as Magnus snuggled into my chest holding my torso.

Next morning:

I slowly opened my eyes feeling a huge pain in my head I looked around the room seeing Magnus his bedroom "Alec" I heard someone next to me say. I looked at Magnus opening his eyes trying to get used to the light "sorry I woke you up" I said giving him a kiss "no problem are you okay" he asked as I placed my hand on my head "yeah just a late is it I have to get back to the Institute I am supposed to meet my father and someone from Idris. Im sorry Magnus I have to go" I quickly got out of bed not feeling dizzy or any nausea I grabbed my clothes and gave Magnus a kiss before walking out of the loft to the institute

when I arrived at the Institute Jace came running to me  " where the hell have you been" he asked "Away, what is wrong" I asked looking at him

"dad is here, he and mom want to talk to you," Jace said "oh god...well this is gonna be...weird," I said "they are waiting in your office," Jace said walking away back to the main room.

I walked to the elevators. When the door opens I walked straight to my office seeing my mom and dad standing behind my desk "Mom, dad" I said walking into the room "Alec where have you been" my dad asked me "I had some business, what is wrong Jace said you wanted to talk" I looked at them waiting for an answer "yeah sit down" He pointed at the couch facing my desk "there are rumors that local shadowhunters have been interfering with downworld affairs, and don't know anything about that right..." my dad looked at me "no" I said shortly "since al this happened here in New York under your command the Clave is concerned with your devotion to your job and the cause," my mom said "what has that to do with me" I asked looking at my parents "they are sending an envoy, who will come to observe you and the rest of the Institute" my dad said "and to gather information about the attacks to report back to the Clave" my mom said looking at my dada nd then at me "okay let them come we can't do anything I got orders from the Clave to put the Institue on lock down." I said back "I get that that were Clave orders but they will be also here to scrutinize your leadership so don't make the Clave lose more trust in you, in us...otherwise, there will be only one option to restore the name..." "what-what is that" I asked looking at both of my parents " not, for now, make your Institue ready for the arrival of the envoy" my dad said standing up leaving my office followed by my mom

( A/N:  Lydia and that whole marriage thing from the show never happened)

When they both left the room I got my phone sending a message that there was a meeting in 5 minutes to Izzy, Jace, and Clary.

I waited until the three of them all came into my office "what is going on" Izzy asked sitting down "that's what we need to discuss, there is coming an envoy to the institute today, I don't do my job mom and dad have something in plan for me to restore the name I don't even want to know what it is but it can't be something good how are the attacks going" I looked at the three of them waiting "the attacks are still going, the video was seen from a camera but after that we didn't hear anything" Izzy said "okay clary Jace I want you two to look were the video is in New York I know that it is a big city but Clary, you know New York once you found the spot see if there is anything Izzy I need you here for when the envoy is coming if your okay with that" I asked looking at her she nodded and gave me a small smile . I looked back at Clary and Jace who were ready to go "don't get yourself killed" I said to Jace before they left the room "never" he shouted back at me, I turned my self to Izzy "Izz can we talk" I asked "yeah, but I need to go first" she said looking at me "sure go on" I looked at her sitting down next to her "how I reacted was wrong I shouldn't be mad at you with everything that you have just been through" she said looking down at her hands "it's okay Izz I also have made some mistakes but I am here now ALIVE" I said smiling and placing a hand on her arm she gave me a hug and I hugged her back "we need to find out what mom and dad are planning for you if this fails, but to be honest I think you will need to do this anyway if this goes wrong or not Mom and Dad will force you so we need to find out quick" she said pulling away and standing up

That was the new boring Chapter what did you think?? let me know

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