chapter 9

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Alec POV:

"wow same side," Jace said pulling his hands up looking at me while I am aiming an arrow at his head. "Move," I said cold moving my bow to the side and back at Jace. "Alec you need to come inside you can't stay here forever," Jace said stepping closer "don't.....move," i said stepping closer so Jace have to step back "Alexander" I hear Magnus say behind me " I turn around seeing Magnus stand there "come back please," he said. I lower my bow feeling tears running down my cheeks "i... I don't know how" I say crying I let me bow drop walking closer to Magnus "Magnus, please help me, "I ask him desperately "I can't live in this hell anymore, it, it is killing me" "oh my Alexander" Magnus walks closer to me touching my cheek "with his warm hands and cold rings "don't lose hope w........" slowly blood started dripping out of Magnus his mouth when I look down I see a Seraph blade in his stomach "No Magnus" I say catching him before he hits the ground "Magnus please stay with me" I say desperately crying "Magnus please" I cry I looked at him until I don't see his chest move anymore..... he is dead. "NOOOOOOOO" I scream while crying

Magnus POV:

"Alec please come back," I say crying and holding his hand "" I hear in my ear I look up. but still seeing Alec his eyes closed "damn it" I say getting angry throwing stuff through the room with my magic "Magnus" Isabelle yelled, grabbing me holding me tight "I know it is hard" she said comforting me.

Isabelle has really been here for me the past couple of days comforting me when it got too hard but even my magic is getting weak.

"Isabelle, my magic I can't hold this for long," I say pulling away " I know," she said "I know, but you need to take some rest, go lay on my bed I will wake you when something happens," she says looking into my eyes "no no I can't" I say sitting down on the chair next to the bed "Magnus you need your rest to you haven't been sleeping in almost 3 days maybe after your sleep your magic will work better" she says "Isabelle you can't feel when he is slipping away, I can if I go to sleep and he slips away deeper in this kind of coma he can never come back" I say looking at her "okay stay but just rest in this chair for  5 minutes" when she said that Alec started having a seizure "Omg Alec" she yelled "call Jace and Clary let them come they need to get something for me" I say focusing myself back on Alec.

Izzy POV:

I walk out of the room calling Clary who picks up immediately "hey Izz what's wrong" she asked me "you need to come to Magnus his loft right now Alec is having a seizure and take Jace with you " I say half panicking "okay were on our way" Clary says hanging up

"Izzy" I hear Magnus say I ran into the room seeing Magnus half laying on the ground and Alec still having a seizure "Magnus are you okay," I ask him while helping him up "I need your help," he says

"take what you need," Izzy says grabbing Magnus his hand

after a couple of minutes, Clary and Jace came running in "Magnus Izzy what can we do" Clary says walking in "there is a list in the table in the living room. get the ingredients from Catarina that's the only way we can help Alec with his seizure. GO" Magnus yelled

After a couple of minutes Clary and Jace came rushing into the room again
"We have the ingredients what now" Clary asked "put them in that bowl and mix it" Magnus pointed with his head to a wooden bowl with a blue liquid inside of it. I didn't hear much became al my energy got taken from me to help Alec. When they mixed the ingredients they gave Alec the liquid and he stopped shaking. I looked at Alec who looked like he was asleep again then I looked at Magnus and everything went black the only thing I remember is two strong arms who catch me.
Magnus POV:
When Alec had calm down I was a little dizzy but when I looked at Izzy I saw that she was about to pass out "Jace" I said pointing at Izzy who was about to fall when Jace catch her. Jace looked at me worried "don't worry she is gonna be fine she just needs to rest I just a lot of her strength to control Alec. Just bring her to her room and let her rest" I said Jace picked up Izzy and brought her to her room "Magnus are you okay" Clary asked "I am fine biscuit just a little tired but I can't stop if Alec fades away further he is dead" I said sitting down in the chair looking at Alec and then to Clary "would you mind grabbing a glass of water for me " I asked to Clary "no not at all Magnus" she said standing up walking out of the room "oh Alexander, I hope I find the cure soon because you don't have much time left" I said while I felt a tear running down my cheek "here you go Magnus" Clary said walking in. "Thank biscuit" I say to her "you need your rest to go home with Jace get rest I need to concentrate." I said
"Okay call us when you have and update" she said while walking out of the room

Well that was... boring but what did you think ????!!!?!?!

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