Chapter 2.52

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"You know I need to get this magic out of the ring, but I don't know how, I think that you do," the guy said still not showing his face. "Just tell me what you want but let me go," Alec said still holding his stele. "I told you what I want, the magic out of this ring when I wear it I can only use a limited amount of power but if I get all the power, I will be the one I will become a warlock again... a shadowhunter," "that's not..." "possible," the guy finished Alec his sentence. "Oh but it very is," stroking the sleeve of his coat up. (The coat he is wearing is a little bit like the silent brothers so more like a robe and the hoodie is bigger so you don't see his face) Alec his eyes widened when he saw runes on his skin but they were still fresh the runes were already turning more black but you could still see the burned skin. "Those are fresh," Alec mumbled. "Jace his long where we past out," Alec asked still getting the chills of the guy wearing the ring. "Only about, 5 maybe 6 days, I really but you hard," the guy said grinning. "Show your face, coward." Alec said spitting on his shoes. The guys clicked his tongue and then letting out a deep sigh. "You will find out who I am soon enough," the guy said smirking.

Jace steppef through the portal searching for Clary and Izzy with sad face expression. "Jace you're back where is Alec." Izzy said happy hugging her brother. "Yeah where is he," Clary asked looking behind him. "He is not here, there was this guy who attacked us and then Alec said that he would find us and we would find him and then I walked through the portal
and now I am here," Jace explained pulling away from the hug with Clary. "We have to tell Magnus," Izzy said "well I think I am dead if I tell him that I left his fiancé to be with a weirdo guys can handing it am gonna try and get a hold on Alec." Jace said walking past Izzy and Clary. "Let's go then I guess," Clary said walking out with Izzy.

"Magnus, Magnus are you there," Clary asked knocking on Magnus his front door. "Magnus," Clary asked again before Magnus opened the door. "What's wrong biscuit," Magnus asked letting them in. "It's about...Alec," Clary said looking at Izzy. "What's with Alec," Magnus asked worried. "Someone took him, and he never returned," Clary explained looking at Magnus his face expression who changed. "Magnus I a..." "go, I just want to be alone right now." Magnus said waking to the door and opening it. "Magnus, we know what you have been through but you ca..." "just leave okay," Magnus said walking past Clary and Izzy into his bedroom hoping they would leave and they did.


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