Chapter 46

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spoiler alert for the people who haven't seen the  3B episodes which would be weird because this would probably be uploaded after the show or during but who cares just some small spoiler ahead it something they use in the show so don't be mad at me I warned you.

"what do you mean best friend," Jace asked Clary confused "when I was in Paris with Jonathan we went to this antique store the man who worked there was a demon a...vetis demon he called him, lives a normal life under the mundanes, teachers, book store" Clary mumbled the last word "Simon do you still have the schools yearbook from sophomore year" Clary asked "yeah why" "do you think you can get it" Clary asked not focusing on Simon his question "yeah I can do that" Simon said "good, get it as soon as possible" Clary said walking to a monitor opening the maps of New York. "okay" Simon mumbled confused "Clary what do you want with a school book from sophomore year" Jace asked walking after Clary "I think I know what the name Carmen means to Makayla"

"I got it," Simon said walking into the ops center towards Clary and the rest "great" Clary grabbed the book out of Simon his hands placing it on a table and look through the book "here," Clary said pointing at a picture of a girl with long dark brown hair a fair skin and grey eyes. "Carmen Dutch," Jace said letting his fingers fall over her name. "Carmen had to have something to do with Makayla but what would connect her to Alec or us," Izzy asked "one and a half year ago Alec and I were on patrol together a girl came out of nowhere to protect himself Alec shot her with an arrow, first we tried to hold her back and talk to her but when she had hit me, not just a normal cut appeared a demon wound appeared to protect me and himself Alec shot the girl" Jace explained to the rest. "she wants Alec to pay for what he did to Carmen" Izzy said looking worried "well I think we just got a step closer to finding out were they are..." Jace turned around back to the monitor opening the maps of New York and on another one some articles from one and a half year ago. "if Makayla wants Alec to pay she is probably and the cemetery where they buried her..." Jace said looking at the articles "there is not much information about which cemetery but maybe we can get access to news footage" Jace said letting the articles disappear. "I will ask Luke if he can help us maybe there are files of a murder," Clary said grabbing her jacket and walking out of the ops center. "we can't do anything until she is back," Jace said "wait, show me the articles again," Izzy said. Jace let the articles appear on the screen before he stepped aside so Izzy could look. "look right here" she said zooming in on an article  with a picture "that's the pandemonium" Simon said "there is a cemetery close to the pandemonium"  " the marble cemetery" ( I know it is from the books but I am not so far to know what kind of cemetery it is because I am not that far but I just needed a cemetery so I choose this one) Izzy cut Simon off "but we are gonna need some Seelie magic to help us" Izzy said "why do you think Seelie magic will help" Jace asked "if Carmen meant so much to Makayla that she would hurt Alec then she must be so blinded by her love for her I don't think she would notice" Izzy said "I hope your right" Jace said "I hope so too I will send a fire message to Melliorn call Clary and tell her but don't get her back we need a picture of Carmen and I don't think you want that we're cutting out the picture" Izzy said turning to Simon "I don't mind do what you have to do" Simon said "okay let Clary come back the sooner we have the replica of Carmen the sooner we get Alec back." Izzy said before grabbing her stele and writing a fire message to Melliorn.  "now we wait" Izzy said looking at Simon and Jace.

okay a short chapter next chapter will be probably a longer one or a super long one but don't worry that will probably not be the end or maybe it will

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