Chapter 42

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Alec POV:

I heard a loud sound coming from the hallway but instead of looking up Makayla kept kissing me "just the neighbors" she said pulling away for a second. I didn't care anymore until I saw Clary and...Magnus walked into the apartment. I pushed her of off me and stood up getting her lipstick of off my lips. "Alec, come on let's get you out of here," Clary said walking over to me. "No" I said to her "what do you mean no" Clary asked me "he meant no" Makayla said it was like I was not in control of my body "go" I said to Clary and Magnus but as always Magnus was the only one who could see how to hurt I was that he needed to see that but I saw anger in his eyes sadness. "Go" I said again I walked over to Magnus grabbing his arm and helping him outside followed my Clary "guys leave me alone I need to do this when I have her as my fake girlfriend then maybe she would open up to me and I can find out how to get his over she is more powerful then you think she gets to you on an over level in a bad way. Leave just leave" I said to them "okay," Magnus said but not before giving me a peck on the lips "just stay safe" Magnus said "Alec" I heard Makayla say "I need to get back bye," I said to them before walking back to Makayla. I needed to pretend like I was all over her. "Let's continue this somewhere else," I said picking her up. I walked to the bedroom and throw we on the bed (no they are not gonna have sex don't worry) she giggled and my actions I crawled over her and kissing her again. She was pulling my shirt so I took it off and I did the same with her shirt. From the inside, I was throwing up so hard. She was wearing a black lacy bra were you could almost see her nipples through and the bra was also too small.

"why don't you take off those pants," she said letting her hand fall over my chest to my belt "I don't want to go all the way," I said to her, for me it already had gone too far I was uncomfortable as fuck but she didn't seem to care she was too much over me "okay sweetie" she said getting of off the bed walking to my shirt,. Her back was facing me so she took off her bra and put on my shirt 'I am never gonna wear that shirt again' I said to myself "I am gonna order some food want some" I said walking to the door "sure just order something but don't stay away too long" she said crawling onto the bed "I also need some other clothes I am gonna get them later" I said before walking out of the room.

I grabbed my phone and called Magnus "Alec" Magnus asked hopefully "yeah it is me meet me at my room at the Institute in 8 minutes" I said before hanging up not waiting for an answer. "I am gonna get some clothes for me be back in 30," I said quickly before walking out of the apartment without waiting for an answer.

I walked into the Institute straight to my room seeing Magnus pace to my room. "Magnus," I said when I saw him. When he saw me a smile appeared on his face. I walked over to him and without thinking I kissed him. "what the hell is going on" Magnus asked when he pulled away "long story I just missed you" I said kissing him again. Magnus grabbed my cheek pushing me back "how long" "30 minutes" I said immediately kissing him again. he grabbed my waist pulling me closer to him. I took off my jacket revealing my bare chest "don't ask" I said when Magnus looked at me. He pushed me away looking at me in disgust, first I didn't understand it but then I knew what he thought "oh no no Magnus I stopped her" I said walking over to him "she took my shirt and putting it on I couldn't stop her so I grabbed my jacket and walked out of there" I explained to him "Magnus I would never ever do that" I placed hand on his cheek and gave him a kiss I wanted to pull away but Magnus grabbed my waist and pulled me in kissing me back passionately. I took off his shirt and walked backwards to my bed. When I felt the edge of the bed Magnus pushed me on it and sat on top of me kissing my bare chest. He kissed up to my neck finding my sweet spot when he found it a Mona escaped my mouth as he smirked looking at me. I grabbed his neck and kissed his lips again "I missed this" I mumbled through the kisses "me too" Magnus said before kissing me again. I grabbed Magnus his waist turning us around so I was now on top. I pulled away from the kiss and started kissing his neck trying to find his sweet spot. While Magnus released soft Moans I was looking for his sweet spot when I found it Magnus let out a hard and loud moan. I let my hands fall over his muscular chest down to his pants. While I took off his pants I kissed Magnus again.

(I can't come out of my words so I am gonna stop here sorry)

Magnus fell down next to me on my bed. I grabbed my phone and looked at the time. "I am sorry Magnus I have to go" I got out of bed and got dressed "can't you stay," he said grabbing my arm "do you want me to die," I asked Magnus looking at him with raised eyebrows. "No I don't want you to die I want you to come back," Magnus said grabbing my cheek. "I promise I will be back tomorrow but maybe not alone," I said leaning in to kiss him "okay as long as you are safe I am fine," Magnus said before kissing me again. "Okay bye," I said walking to the door "bye" Magnus said a little disappointed. I walked out closing the door behind and leaned against the door thinking about what just happened. God, I loved this man...I love him. I opened the door seeing Magnus get dressed. "Hey what's wrong," Magnus asked looking confused "I...I forgot some clothes" I said quick. Why couldn't I just say it, I thought to myself. I grabbed some clothes and walked out again back to Makayla her apartment.

A new chapter okay so this chapter took a long time to make so please let me know if you like my story still otherwise I am gonna stop because I put a lot of time in this story and I don't know if you guys even like this.

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