Chapter 20

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3the person

When Alec woke up Izzy gave him the pill and he felt better he was laying in bed all day. Later in the evening, Magnus came by looking at how he was. Alec wanted him to stay so he did.

It had been a couple of days later and Alec is doing pretty well Jace have been avoiding Alec Sian he is still mad at him for what happened with Clary and to be honest Alec doesn't say he shouldn't be mad at him he did a bad thing. Clary was heartbroken because of her break up with Jace and has been avoiding a lot of people except Izzy. Alec is working on the demon case again even though it might take more strength then the New York Institute has they need help from the Clave. Alec also spent most of his time on the rooftop he could watch over New York and it was peaceful sometimes he would train with his bow and arrow. Izzy, Magnus, Clary, and Jace were the only one where he would be if he was upset on the rooftop listening to the sound of New York the sirens and other things.

Alec POV:

As always I was on my way to the rooftop to train and relax but this time when I arrived I wasn't Alone "Jace" I said walking through the door opening forwards him "Jace" I asked again looking at his back. We was wearing a dark grey shirt and black sweatpants "Jace I know you probably don't want to talk to me but I am you're parabatai you can't keep a secret from me I feel it when you are sad or mad or happy. So please talk to me" I looked at the back of his head as he slowly turned around. When I saw Jace his face they were filled with tears. I haven't seen Jace cry in a long time. Without saying anything Jace pulled me in a hug while I hugged him back. "I am sorry Alec, but don't think this makes up for what you did. I'm just...after I broke up with Clary..." he sat down in the edge of the rooftop. I looked at him in fear as he realized what he was doing. Even though I would come up here I was still not a huge fan of the edge of a building just because of what happened. "I'm sorry I know that you don't feel so safe when people stand so close to the edge." He quickly said as he walked to me. "But what is wrong," I asked him while following him. He walked to a small bench and sat down "I was so mad I didn't really think it through I was blinded by madness and just the vision of seeing you with my girlfriend blinded my subconscious I was mad and I felt lost and Clary came to me at a bad moment so instead of calming down I broke up with her... and I don't know if she would forgive me and want me back" Jace said as a tear runs down over his cheek again "Jace even I lost it sometime and I regret what happened between Clary and me and I know you can never completely forgive me but she ended things between us because she cared about you... because she loved you so go talk to her be there for her ask her why she would come back to me when she was in pain or when she was sad ask her to talk to her and maybe she will come back to you and if not then she is just not the one but I have made some pretty bad mistakes and I am happy that I can try and fix them now so go" I slapped his back so he would get up "go get your girl" he gave me one last hug and disappeared form the roof I tot he building. I looked for my he bench over New York just enjoying the silence for once...

Jace POV:

After the pep talk from Alec, I walked inside he institute straight to her room. "Clary are you there" I asked knocking on the door "yeah come in" she said she probably didn't know it was me or she would have never let me in "Jace" she said as I walked in looking at her "can we talk" I said she nodded trying to avoid the crying. I sat down on her bed next to her "when you and Alec... you know when it started...why did you do it" I asked softly trying not to scare her by talking loud and angry. So I tried to sound calm and normal. "When I met you... almost 3 years ago... I fell in love...and before I met you I have had a couple of boyfriends." (A/N: when I say that just think about 3 maybe 4 not so much)
"But it never turned out well I or just wasn't in love with them or they wanted more then I could give or that I wanted...something they left when they were bored of me... when I met you I fell in love and I didn't know what to do for a long time I tried to push it down...when Alec came up to me about 2..3 months ago he was so nice and it felt nice having a good friend but.. I didn't know what to do with love.. so I kissed Him...Alec, it felt...weird...wrong... but I could always count on him once I started to get to know him he was really nice to me...but I stopped everything before it could get too far even though it did got too far in the first place and it got too far when we...started it and I regret everything that I have done really believe it or not but now I know that you really love me and you are not gonna leave me.. but then you broke up with me and now I don't know what to do" a tear fell down her cheek as I grabbed her cheek and whipped the tear away with my thumb.
"Clary when you found me that night... in my room... the night that we broke up... Alec just told me what happened between you too and I was mad and sad and I wasn't subconscious of what I was doing I was mad and jealous because I thought jay I wasn't good enough that, that was why you were with Alec...I felt lost not knowing what I did wrong and why you found me I was anger...sadness...jealously of seeing you and my parabatai... and I made the worst mistake that I could have ever made...I broke up with you... and I and sorry for what is said and what I did...I never wanted you to feel this way but... there is no but... I am sorry that is my but" I looked down at my hand not wanting to see Clary's face. I felt a warm hand in my cheek. Clary moves my head so I had to look at her "ask me..." I knew what she was talking about "will you be my girlfriend again" I said looking at her holding her hand on my cheek. She just smiled holding our forehead together. "Yes," she softly said a big smile appeared on my face and so on her face a smile appeared. I kissed her lips again the lips that I have kissed for a long time...

So what did you guys think... I think that a Malec story is not always about Malec but there are also other persons involved in the story and there are not only Magnus and Alec's POV's you have Izzy and Jace and Clary and so many other characters that are involved in the story than just two persons and I think that is some people go wrong including me when I was writing my biggest story there was only Betty and Jughead POV's but I think it is important that there are more sides of a story so that's why this chapter was with the other POV then just Alec and Magnus... see you next Chapter

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