Chapter 2.56

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Alec looked at his hand shocked and then looking back at Magnus, Jace, Izzy and Clary who were all looking shocked at Magnus. "Alexander you need to calm down," Magnus said when he saw that Alec was panicking. "My name is not ALEC or Alexander or what ever, it's Alex," Alec said mad and panicking at the same time. "Okay, Alex, you need to calm down, we are gonna help you," Magnus said while Alec was looking at the glass reaching for it again but before he could Magnus made it disappear with his magic. When Alec looked back at Magnus they really saw how pale and skinny Alec was you could see his cheekbones through his skin and he had big bags under his eyes he was wearing a shirt instead of the sweater with the hoodie he was wearing before and you could see his ribs a little. "By the angle what happened to you," Izzy asked stepping forward. "Stay away," "Ale...x, it's okay we only want to help you, so let's get some food in you and we can talk, I know you might not know me anymore but I used to be your sister I still am and I care for you so let me, let us," she said looking at Magnus, Jace and Clary. "Help you," she finished her sentences holding her hand out looking back at Alec. Alec his body got less tense and he took a step forward. Izzy let out a drop breath out of relieve when Alec grabbed her hand. Izzy took a step forward rubbing his cheek. "You look miserable what happened," she asked letting her hand slip from his cheek. "Nothing, I just don't eat much," Alec said seeing Magnus walk away with tears in his eyes followed by Clary.

"Magnus," Clary said seeing Magnus stand on the balcony looking out at New York. "Magnus, are you okay," Clary asked placing a hand on his shoulder, while he slowly turned around she saw the tears in his eyes. "I gave up on him," Magnus mumbled. "Magnus, deep down we all did, Alec has been gone for 2 years but he is back and we can have him back," Clary said after she hugged him. "Do we, have I, really got him back," Magnus asked. "Yes we have we have him back maybe not fully but we will," Clary said. Magnus scoffed turning away from Clary looking at the balcony he was standing on. "This was the place Alec told me he wanted to be with me, that he felt me even tho Jace helped him out of that coma," Magnus said looking at his hands. Clary though back of that moment that memory when Magnus was hopeless where he felt so bad that he couldn't do anything for Alec. "Maybe you should talk to him," Clary said with a soft smile on her face. "I'll just let Izzy and Jace handle it, just like then, I won't be able to do anything," Magnus said walking back inside his own apartment grabbing a drink.


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