Chapter 2.54

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Alec walked through the big streets of New York seeing the New York Institute in front of him. Alec had some vague memories of New York and a group with people but he never could see their faces or hear them. Alec lied about the trip to New York for his work he liked Dean a lot but there was something he was hiding. Alec looked at the Institute but walked away he didn't want to go in now, tomorrow he would go, ask for answers if he would get arrested or not he didn't care.

Alec walked through the streets of New York seeing a building that he had seen before but he couldn't put his finger on it. Without thinking Alec walked into the building not knowing where he would go but for some reason it felt familiar.

Alec was standing in front a door at the top floor he was holding his hand in a first ready to knock but instead he just turned around right at the moment the door opened. A guy that was a little shorter then him with eyeliner and a his hair straight up. The guy hold his breath when he saw Alec stand there and so did Alec his face was so familiar. "Alexander," the guy said. "'s Alex." Alec said before putting on the hoodie and walked out hearing the guy yell his name. (Yeah I said Alex when Dean whipped his memories he also told him his name was Alex)

Alec walked out of the building before he felt someone turn him around and cupped his cheeks after pulling hoodie down. "'re alive," Magnus said as tears filled his eyes. Alec didn't know what to do it felt good it felt right the way the guy held him. "I...of course I am, who...who are you," Alec asked confused taking a step back and pushed the guys hand away. Magnus gasped opening his mouth not knowing what to say. Alec put his hoodie back on and walked away.

Alec walked onto the property of the Institute stopping in the front of the door before pushing it open. Alec walked in seeing shadowhunters walk around doing their thing but no one stepped forward him, Dean lied to him about the clave. Alec looked around before hearing glass shatter and a pen and notebook fall on the ground. "Alec," he heard a woman said. She had long black hair in two braids while she was wearing probably an outfit where she trained in. Alec looked confused at the girl while she rushed over to him and wrapped her arms around Alec his neck. Alec held his hands open not knowing what to do and looking confused. When the girl pushed away she saw the confused face on his look. "What's wrong Alec," she asked looking at Alec. "My name is Alex, and do I know you," Alec asked. Izzy felt tears for in her eyes not knowing what to say.


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