129) a note

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Magnus was cuddled up against Alec who held him tight. "What are we gonna do," Magnus asked with his head laying on Alec his chest. "I don't know," Alec said trying to keep his tears in. "Hey, what's wrong," Magnus asked when he saw Alec with a tear running down his cheek. "Nothing, I'm fine, I'm fine," Alec said stroking Alec his cheek. "I am supposed to meet Izzy but I will be back later," Alec said getting up. "Okay, are you sure you are okay," Magnus asked again. "I'm sure," Alec said. When he was fully dressed he gave Magnus a long and loving kiss and walking out of the room.

Alec quickly grabbed a piece of paper writing something down before grabbing his stele, bow and arrow and walked out of the apartment.

"Why did you want to meet here," Alec asked looking at Dean. "You know that as soon you walk in you are dead," Alec said looking at the hunters moon.  "But we needed to meet somewhere," Dean said with a smirk. "Stop looking at me like that, if given up everything, my relationship, my family, my friends, so leave them alone," Alec said crossing his arms. "I will leave them alone, as long as you don't make stupid moves," Dean said. Alec may was acting all tough but Magnus had told him what Dean could do.

Magnus walked out of the bedroom seeing a note on his coffee table. "All I am doing is to protect you and my family, your the most important thing that has ever happened to me, meet me at the pandemonium tomorrow night I will explain everything," was written on the note, Magus knew exactly that it was from Alec so he decided to keep the club closed for tomorrow. Magnus wanted to go and help Alec or save him but he knew doing that would only make things worse.

Alec walked with Dean seeing a big abandoned building. "Where are we," Alec asked stepping inside. "This is...kind of where I live," Dean said closing the door. Alec saw a couch a table a bed and some other things stand there. "Okay cut the crap, why am I here," Alec asked turning around. "I just wanted to have some time with you, you were always around that Magnus and that so called family," Dean said stepping closer to Alec while Alec kept taking steps back until he felt the bed edge against his legs. "You stay away from me, the only reason I loved you was because I thought you were my only family that I had no one else too love," Alec angry stepping closer to Dean. Dean got angry slapping Alec his cheeks. Alec looked back at Dean with a smirk on his face. "So now your the victim," Alec said licking the inside of his cheek. Dean just smirked pressing his body against Alec's letting his hand slip on Alec his hips. "Take your dirty, disgusting hands. Off. My. Body," Alec said very calm but still strong. "Rough, I like it," Dean said. Alec just pushed him away and walking to the other side of the room. "If this was the reason I was the reason I am here then I want to ask you a favor," Alec said crossing his arms. "What," Dean asked annoyed. "Let me out tomorrow night, I Promise I will get back, I have no where else to go, the whole shadow world wants me, here is where I am...safe," Alec said looking away from Dean. Even tho Alec didn't want to admit it, his words were true, the whole shadow world was on the hunt for him and Magnus, this was the only place he was save. "Okay," Dean said before walking to the couch sitting down.


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