Chapter 26

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Alec POV:

"What," Izzy said surprised
"No Magnus would never do that" Izzy looked at me as another tear run down my cheek "well...h...he d..did" I stuttered looking at Izzy "Alec is there something you are not telling me" Izzy looked at me looking for an answer in my eyes Izzy could most of the time read me like a book. "Once the lockdown is over..." I wanted to say it but then I thought back of what happened when I told Magnus "nothing then we can go back to focusing ourselves on the attacks, anything yet" I asked her trying to change the subject "Alec I know something is wrong and if you don't talk to me then talk to Jace" Izzy said I just nodded weakly looking at her "well I need to do something see you later" she walked at the door looking at me before she left me alone in my room instead of laying down on my bed crying I stood up and walked to my office to dive into work as soon as this is done this would be less painful to go through...

Izzy POV:

When I walked out of Alec his room I ran to the ops center looking for Jace "Jace I need your help" I said when I finally found him "what is up Izzy" he said looking at me "it is Alec he will explain but I need to go can know" I said hoping he would understand "yeah I will go" he said. I thanked him and then rushed out of the Institute to Magnus his loft I needed answers I have known Magnus for 2 years now and he would never hurt Alec on purpose

When I knocked on the door and Magnus did open but this time he didn't look like his charming self he was in sweatpants and one of Alec's shirts he hair was messy and I could see that he has been crying because he eyeliner wasn't sitting in place anymore "what do you need because I am not in the mood for shadowhunter company" he asked "I need to talk to is Alec" I said looking at him "come in" he said opening the door more so I could come in "drink" he asked as he made himself a martini "no thanks...Magnus what happened" I asked looking at him "well I can say what is going on but I think you already know it...Alec is getting married" he said sitting down on a chair in front of me "he was supposed to say no" I muttered into my self "what" Magnus asked "Alec was supposed to say no he..." "well then he knows what he wants...and it isn't me" Magnus cut me off "Magnus you really don't see the bigger picture do you Alec has been feeling something for you for longer then you can think and he got back all upset because you broke up with him because our parents are crazy and they force him to marry that Lydia well if you don't want him then maybe he deserves better" I said standing up "wait is he really..." Magnus asked worried "yeah, yeah he is devastated that you broke up with him," I said walking away back to the Institute

Magnus POV:

When I got to my loft I was devastated and I regret every word that is said I walked to my closet seeing Alec his bag stand there I opened it grabbing a shirt of him and my sweat pants I grabbed a drink...again and sat down on the couch thinking about what happened and crying until I heard a knock on my door I whipped my tears away and stood up walking to my door. When I opened it Isabelle was standing there "what do you want because I am not in the mood for shadowhunters company," I said annoyed "I need to talk to you" she said I was about to close the door when she said it was about Alec m face expression turned from annoyed to concert as I step aside and opened the door more so she could walk in.

"he was supposed to say no" Izzy mumbled "what," I asked looking at her "Alec was supposed to say no he..." "well then he knows what he wants...and it isn't" I cut her off " Magnus you really don't see the bigger picture do you Alec has been feeling something for you for longer then you can think and he got back all upset because you broke up with him because our parents are crazy and they force him to marry that Lydia well if you don't want him then maybe he deserves better" she stood up wanting to walk out when I said " wait is he really..." I asked looking at her. " yeah, yeah he is devastated that you broke up with him," she said I was about to say something but she already left.

Maybe he really wanted to be with me...

I am so so so sorry a shorter chapter than normal and I am sorry I make everyone look like a dick hope you guys still like the story.

Finally Magnus sees it that Alec really loves him

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