Chapter 36

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Alec POV: 

How am I supposed to cut my own sister out of my life, she knows when I am lying she knows me I thought to myself. I grabbed my phone scrolling through my contacts. When I saw Carmen's name I thought back about the day I found her it was al really blurry. "Alec can we talk" Izzy walked in snapping me out of my thoughts "I am sorry I don't have time maybe Jace or Clary can help" I said looking at my phone again hoping she would go away "no they can't help me this is about what you said" she walked over to me standing in front of me. (They are in Alec his bedroom btw) "Izzy don't ask anything just go I don't have time" I said "Alec what do you mean with I end up dead" she said grabbing my phone "I mean that if you don't stay out of this you are dead" I grabbed my phone back and pointed at the door "now go" I said "fine" she turned around walking out. I got ready for bed and just went to sleep I had a rough day ahead of me.

Jace POV:

"Izzy what are you doing it is 3 am" I walked into the ops center seeing Izzy working behind a bureau "I could ask you the same thing" she said facing me "can't sleep" I said walking over to her "I had a weird conversation with Alec a couple of hours ago and I couldn't find anything in Alec his medical records" Izzy said looking down at some files (Clary told Jace about that Izzy would look at Alec his medical record) "well we placed some microphones in the office from Lydia and his bedroom we can listen to them" I suggested "yeah we can do that later have you heard anything from Magnus or Clary" "no not after she told me you would look through his medical record" I looked at her with a confused face "Alec was telling me to stay out of something or something or I would die I still don't know were he is talking about and when I asked him about it he was acting strange like he was panicking" Izzy explained "hey guys" I heard someone daily behind me I turned around seeing Carmen "oh hey Carmen, what are you doing up so late" I asked her "just got back from patrol" she explained "okay we'll see you later" I said focusing myself back to Izzy "yeah see you later" she said walking away "I never really liked her" I said to Izzy "well she was doing really sketchy the other day she was talking about Alec flirting with her and hitting on her" "what Alec would never do that especially not with a girl" I said looking at her confused "well that is what I though to" "maybe we should listen to those tapes from the microphone but I need to get it from his room" "well hopefully he is sleeping so let's go" Izzy stood up walking to Alec his room. I opened the door seeing Alec sleeping I looked at a bookshelf and grabbed the microphone from behind a red book and walked out again "got it" I said to Izzy after I closed the door "great now let's go and listen to them" Izzy said walking back to the ops center.

We were listening to the tape when we Alec walk in and not short after we heard a hissing sound and a female voice talking because of the hissing we couldn't hear the voice of the girl really well "well we have nothing about this we don't know who the girl is and because of the hissing we can't hear either of them so we're back to zero" "yeah" I said disappointed "well we just need to wait until Alec does something and Clary and I are guessing it is your of Magnus" I said to her "wait he has been cutting us out and when I confronted him he panicked what is he is getting blackmailed what if he is getting threatened...that is why he said that I would die if he doesn't cut the person out then the person will kill the one he needs to cut out" "but Clary and I are not mad at him" "no but that is what the person thinks so keep it that way he needs to think that it is working after he cut Magnus and me out we need to look what he is planning on doing hue don't tell Magnus he is probably wanna talk to him and if he does and any of us gets killed then we will never know who it is" "sound reasonable" I said "but Izzy try to get some sleep and a knife for the same reason you get killed so keep an eye out I will tell Clary later" "yeah I will good night" she said before she stood up and walked away "good night" I said I was sitting at the desk going through some files when I felt my eyes close I stood up and walked to my room and went to bed.

They are getting pieces together but what will Carmen do about it and what does she know how long will it take Alec to cut Izzy out and what about Magnus let me know what you think and leave your theories in the comments ♥️🙏🏻➰

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