125) death and tears

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"You did the wrong thing warlock," Dean said choking Magnus using his magic. "I have no idea what you are taking about," Magnus said struggling. "I know exactly how to get my magic back...my mom was stupid by taking it, I know we share the same father...BROTHER," Dean said close to his face. "You are not my brother," Magnus spitted out in his face. "You know locking my magic up in rings...I don't know how I feel about that, and then proposing to Alec with that ring...you really thought I didn't find out," Dean said looking around the room letting out a sarcastic chuckle looking at Izzy, Jace and Clary who were on the ground. "I'm gonna get that ring, and I am gonna destroy everyone and everything you love," Dean said.

"You know, you remind me of my brother," Clary said slowly standing up. Dean abruptly turned around while Clary held her hands out in front of her slowly kneeling down putting her sword and stele on the ground. "You know, he was never born that way, he was made that way, you don't need to do this, your are part shadowhunter to, you can't ignore that, that part of you, that angelic part," Clary said slowly walking over to Dean. Clary reaches her hand out grabbing Dean his hands which causes Magnus to fall on the ground couching and gasping for air.

"Don't look at him," Clary said when Dean wanted to turn to Magnus. Clary let go of Dean his hands wrapping her arms around his neck hugging him moving one hand to her weapon belt Dean surprisingly hugged her back. "I'm sorry," Clary whispered closing her eyes for a second letting a tear slip from her eyes. The way she was embracing him felt a lot like she was holding Jonathan when she killed him. Clary grabbed one of her kindjals and pierced it trough Dean his stomach. Clary closed her eyes crying letting her tears fall down while Dean fell on the ground in front of her.

Jace stood up rushing over to Clary hugging her as her kindjal falls out of her hand. Izzy rushed over to Magnus helping him up who was holding his throat. "You okay," Izzy asked. "I'm fine." Magnus said looking at Dean on the ground in a pool of blood. "We need to get to Alec," Magnus said while Izzy helped him stand up. Magnus created a portal where he Izzy, Clary and Jace all walked through.


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