Chapter 35

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A little note before the chapter thank you guys for more than a 1000 reads ♥️

Izzy POV:
I was looking through files finding the medical records when I heard something behind me "Carmen you scared the shit out of me" I said looking at Carmen in the door opening "sorry I just saw the door open and I thought was Alec, I was hoping he would be here I needed to talk to him" "why are you looking for Alec" "well he has been hitting on me and trying to kiss me and I just wanted to talk about it" "wait that doesn't sound like Alec he has a..." "boyfriend yeah I know what was his name again" Carmen cut me off "Magnus...Magnus Bane" I looked at her with a confused face "but Alec would never hit on girl he is..." "gay yeah I know but he was just flirting with me al the time touching me" Carmen cut me off again "Carmen, I am sorry but I don't have time for this shit that you are going through I have a lot on my mind" I said trying to walk out Carmen grabbed my arm harshly holding it in a tight grip"I would keep an eye on your self and the others" "Carmen you  are hurting me" I said trying to get out of her grip "Ohh sorry" she said innocently walking away. I looked after her while she walked away well that was strange I thought to myself I walked back to the ops center back to a desk looking through some files. "Hey anything I can help with Alec said approaching me "no I am fine" I quickly closed the files hoping he would notice "what do you get there" Alec tried to grab the file but I took it away "nothing" I quickly said "Izz I know when you are hiding something from me" Alec grabbed the file opening it "Alec it is no..." I said when I saw his facial expression change "this is not about a demon attack" Alec muttered "this is my medical record," Alec looked up at me "how did you even get this" Alec said closing the file and holding it in the air "because something is wrong with you and I want to find out what" I said hoping nobody would hear our conversation "come with me" Alec grabbed my wrist walking into a hallway away from the people "how much do you know" Alec asked looking at me "what do you mean how much do I know, I know something so wrong and that's it" I explained giving him a confused look "Okay Alec what is going on" I asked now worried but still confused "you need to do one thing for me" Alec said looking around hoping nobody was there "stay out of this I don't want you to end up dead, get this thing back we're it belongs" Alec pushed the file in my hands and without saying anything he walked away. I was standing there against the wall confused not knowing what just happened.

I walked back for eh ops center after I putt back the file.

Alec POV:

After I told Izzy to back off surprise surprise a call from the devil herself "it is not going so well huh" she said sarcastic "no it is not but if you touch my family" "oh don't threaten me just keep an eye out will you and don't look suspicious just act...normal" and before I could answer again she hung up on me. I walked back into the Institute to my room I needed rest and because Carmen did give me anything to do ( don't know how else to say it) I could just rest for an hour and then back to work. I walked to my room and changed into some sweatpants and took off my shirt just relaxing a bit. Out of no where try door opened "hey knock first please" I shouted until I saw who it was "Carmen" I said coldly "well hello, you know it was so fun seeing your sister and telling her you are hitting on me and touching me" she said closing the door "you what!" I shouted "I would wonder how your boyfriend would react if I told him" "leave Magnus out of this" i said "oh don't worry he is save...for now" "what do you mean for now" I asked "I mean that he will get this time now it is your precious little sister who will suffer" Carmen said "why do you do this" I asked her "oh you seriously don't know it huh" she said "no I don't so why the hell do you do it" I asked her "I'm not gonna tell you because were is the fun in that" she said "look you can hurt me al you want but not my family and friend or boyfriend" I said "blog but sweetie don't you see it I am hurting you in here" she said touching my bare chest "so I will have you al to myself don't worry I will get you... eventually" she said "never I will never care for you or be with you" I shouted at her "oh but you will there is nothing a little warlock magic can't fix" she said before she left the room "oh and don't forget Izzy is next you have three days" she said before she really walked away...

Next chapter I know it is bad but I just want one of my stories to last longer than 15 chapters I am sorry should I continue?

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