Chapter 2.18

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"What...," Alec said still in shock from everything that just happened, "can I see him," Alec asked Catarina, "Yeah, that door," Catarina said pointing at a black/dark blue kind of elevator doors.

Alec walked into the room seeing Magnus lay there still on a ventilator, Alec was so happy seeing Magnus there surviving...

"You're real," Alec said cupping Magnus his cheeks, "and you're alive," Alec said with a chuckle as tears were running down his cheeks. "I love you," Magnus said before kissing Alec, "I love you too," Alec said in between kisses. "And I am never leaving your side," Alec said resting his forehead against Magnus' "What are you saying," Magnus asked confused, "when I saw you lay there for weeks I was terrified, even tho Catarina May said you would be okay still seeing you sit there killed me, and it made me realize that if there is one thing that I am most afraid of then it is losing you, Magnus Bane... will you marry me," Alec asked his voice full with hope. Suddenly Magnus felt something holding him back from saying yes. "Alexander..." Magnus couldn't finish his sentence because he got dragged away, "Alexander," "stay with me Magnus," Alec kept repeating until Magnus couldn't hear or see anything...

"Magnus I am so sorry," Alec said sitting next to Magnus his bed looking at him. (This is gonna be really 3x16 related to if you haven't seen it yet, which would be weird because when this comes out Shadowhunters is probably over this will probably come out or after or right before the season finale) "when I lost you I was going crazy I couldn't think straight, and from everyone who tried to help me you suffered the most, all I ever wanted was you, from the beginning we met, but I didn't have the guts, and when I finally did, I put you through hell," Alec said grabbing Magnus his hand and holding it. "Magnus, I love YOU, more then anyone in the world, and I can't live without you, I am so sorry," Alec said tearing up, "I am sorry," Alec said as his voice cracked. Alec let go of Magnus his hand feeing someone starting at him. Alec looked around seeing his sister leaning against a pillar. "Hey," Alec said sniffing trying to sound normal, "how is he," Izzy asked, "I don't know, good I guess," Alec said grabbing Magnus his hand tight again. "I am gonna order some food want something," Izzy asked, "no thanks," Alec said not looking away from Izzy "Magnus, come back to me, stay with me Magnus," Alec said holding his hand tight as a single tear fell down Alec's cheek.


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