Chapter 2.10

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"you are not seriously thinking you could stop us," Izzysaid with a smirk, "no I can't but she can," Makayla said pointing at Iris behind her, "she wants Madzie back the trait is easy your friends give us Madzie and they can have you two," Makayla said, "never Alec would give up Madzie," Izzy said "we will see what he is will to protect his family, oh yeah if you didn't know it yet he can only choose one of you hopefully you," Makayla said pointing at Magnus, "will see that Alec will always choose his family over a fling," Makayla said before walking out locking the door. "Magnus I am..." "don't be it's okay Alec need you I get it don't worry I will find my way out o this mess," "how did we even got into this mess," Izzy asked sitting down next to Magnus against the wall, "I have no idea," Magnus said letting out a sigh, "I have no idea," Magnus repeated again.

As Alec slowly opened his eyes he immediately looked at his wound which was healed but his hand was slowly turning pale, "what is happening to me," Alec mumbled getting out of his bed, quickly changing his bloody shirt for a clean dark blue one.

"where is Izzy," Alec asked walking over to Clary and Jace who were working on an assignment. "Alec, hey," Clary said looking over her shoulder looking at Alec before turning around, "she was out on a mission but she hasn't been back for over 6 hours," Clary said leaning against a table "what I..." Alec mumbled rubbing his forehead, "Alec what is going on," we need to find Iz..." before Alec could finish his sentence he caught a fire message, "no, no, no," Alec mumbled reading the fire messages, "what's going on," Jace asked looking confused at Alec, "Izzy and Magnus are now both locked up by Makayla, and Makayla freed Iris from the gard, they want Madzie or we don't of them back," Alec said reading it with fear in his voice as he said it softly, "she can't mean it," Clary said upset, "of course she can, we're talking about the girl who got in my mind and made me try to kill myself and others," Alec said letting out a sigh, "hey, don't forget who you are you magically came back to life," Jace said, "Jace, I said you before I hhave no idea what happened one moment I felt nothing anymore and the other I got the opertunity to breathe so I did," Alec said angry placing the fire message on the table before walking away, "wait, Alec where are you going," Clary asked walking after Alec, "I am getting my sister back," Alec said walking to the weapon room, "what about Magnus or Madzie," Clary asked walking with Alec to the weapon room. "so are you coming with me," Alec asked handing Clary her daggers, "as long as no one escept Makayla and Iris get hurt sure," Clary said grabbing her daggers out of Alec his hands placing them on the table in front of her before handing Alec his bow and a seraph blade, "thanks," he said placing the blade in his weapon belt. "come on," Alec said walking out of the weapon room with Clary next to him, "where the hell are you two going," Jace asked Alec and Clary, "I am gonna get my sister back," Alec said walking past Jace out of the Institute followed by Clary and Jace who was yelling Alec his name.

"How are we even gonna find them anyway," Clary asked walking next to Alec. "Magnus send me a fire message with a address it was close to the marble cemetery so that is where we headed," Alec said walking faster.

"There is nothing here," Alec said searching the apartment, "wait...the cemetery," Clary said before rushing out, of the apartment down the stairs crossing the street running into the cemetery followed by Alec stopping when she saw Izzy and Magnus in there knees on the ground, "I knew you would come eventually," Makayla said with a smirk on her face, "let the go," Alec said grabbing his bow while Clary grabbed her daggers, "one step with those weapons closer to them and we will break their neck, now where is the girl," Makayla said, "I am not letting MadIs anywhere near you oh and don't think that I am gonna  booze between those two," Alec said pointing at Izzy and Magnus who were suspiciously quiet but Alec didn't pay much attention to if they were yelling. "Let them both go, I have what you want," Jace said walking over to Clary and Alec with Maddie waking next to him. "What the hell do you think you are doing," Alec said pushing Jace back, "saving their lives," "you are not saving their lives you make me..." "choose," Makayla finished Alec his sentence, "Maddie..." Iris her voice sounded from out of the shadows as she appeared very happy, "you stay away from her," Alec said stepping in front of Madzie aiming an arrow at Iris her head. "I said choose," Makayla said loosing her patience, "I am not gonna choose," Alec yelled, "Alec, you need too," Jace said "no are you crazy how is he supposed to choose between those two," Clary said defending Alec, "Alec it's okay, I'll be fine," Magnus said finally speaking, Alec looked up with tears in his eyes, "Alex it's just a man say it," Magnus said, "Alec it's okay, I'll be fine say it," "no, no, no, I am not choosing," "we choose Izzy," Jace said without hesitation. "WHAT," Alec yelled looking over his shoulder at his younger brother. "We choose Izzy," Jace repeated, "a good choice," Makayla said walking over to Magnus holding his head, one hand under his chin and the other on the side of his head, "wait what are you doing," Alec asked as tears appeared in his eyes, "I am gonna give you a slowly death starting a with making you suffer," Makayla said before breaking Magnus his neck. Alec screamed Magnus his name before falling in his knees seeing the raven haired man laying on the ground lifeless...

Is Magnus really dead was it an illusion stay tuned to find out?!?!? Tell me if there are any grammar mistake please

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