chapter 2.01

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Magnus was laying on top of Alec kissing his neck when the door opened "oh my god, I think you guys are perfectly fine," Jace said before closing the door again, "well that was..." Alec couldn't finish his sentence because Magnus pressed his lips against Alec again in a long passionate kiss. When Magnus pulled away Alec opened his eyes seeing Makayla "missed me," she said with a smirk on her face. Alec looked in fear at the bedside table at the dagger which was laying there. he grabbed the dagger and stabbed Makayla in her arm. Alec looked at the dagger seeing not a skinny pale looking arm but a muscular caramel looking skin. Alec looked at the face seeing "Magnus, oh my god," Alec said as Magnus fell down on the bed. Alec did think twice and took the dagger out of his arm. "Magnus are you okay," Alec asked in a hurry "I'm fine nothing a little magic can't fix," he said placing his hand right above the wound as a blue mist came out of his hand healing the wound "Magnus I am so sorry I..." "it's okay I am fine your lucky you didn't stab me somewhere else. "I can swear I stabbed Makayla," Alec said "Makayla" Magnus repeated with a confused tone in his voice "yeah Makayla," Alec said again. "put your shirt and sweatpants on we need to tell this.

"You stabbed him," Jace asked with a surreal tone in his voice "look guys we can all talk about how he stabbed me but the bigger problem is that Alec is randomly attacking people trying to kill them and himself because of Makayla so we need to find her otherwise we and Alec can all end up dead" Magnus said "but how the hell do we find her no one has ever heard of her" Clary said "well maybe next time you see her do not attack her talk to her" Magnus says to Alec "well I would love to but I only control myself half, I did try to stab you, yes but that was after she started talking to me" Alec explained to the rest "what did she say" Jace asked
"I can't remember a lot but she did say 'missed me' but that is everything I heard," Alec said "well then we are back to nothing," Jace said "you guys I appreciate the help but I am going to bed" Alec said before walking away "don't worry" Magnus said before walking away.

"missed me" Alec pushed himself up from the bed when he heard her voice looking around the room. "Alec you okay," Magnus asked turning around trying to make his vision clear. "Yeah I am fine," Alec said getting up from the bed and grabbing a dagger from the nightstand. "We are not done yet" Alec heard Makayla say "you are gonna feel the pain she felt" Makayla continues while Alec walks out of the room "Alec," Magnus asked confused looking at the bed not seeing Alec lay there "Alec" Magnus now yelled sitting up straight. He steps out of bed walking out of the room seeing Alec disappear around the corner of the hall. "Alec," Magnus says again following Alec. "You are looking for me aren't you," Makayla asked "well I am right here," Makayla said placing a hand on Alec his shoulder. Alec grabs her and holding it tight while he turns around facing her before pushing her against the wall. "You want me to feel the pain but you can't give me the pain when you are dead," Alec said holding the dagger against her throat. "Alec it's me, wake up, it's me" Alec hears Izzy say in a distance. "It's me Alec wake up it's not Makayla it's me, Izzy, your little sister" Izzy's voice sounds through the hall. Alec looks around the hall seeing no one more except Magnus standing there "Alec look back at her" Magnus said pointing at Izzy who was standing against the wall. Alec slowly moves his head seeing Izzy stand there in fear looking at Alec. When Alec sees the dagger he took a couple of steps letting the dagger slip out of his hands. "Alec it's okay," Izzy said walking over to him. "No stay away I don't want to hurt you I don't want to hurt you," Alec said in fear grabbing the dagger again and pointing it at Izzy to keep her on a distance "just say away I don't want to hurt you" Alec muttered. "Alec it's okay," Izzy said walking over to Alec "no, no it's not, stay away," Alec said with tears in his eyes. "Alec, Alec look at me, look at me," Izzy said grabbing the dagger by the sharp part. Alec moves his eyes back to the dagger. "Don't look at that look at me?" Izzy said again only this time placing her hand on Alec his hand grabbing the dagger and throwing it away. Alec moves his eyes following the dagger "don't look away Alec" Izzy said grabbing Alec his cheeks. "Look at me, I'm your little sister the one you would always protect remember," Izzy said while tears filled her eyes. Seeing Alec like this so vulnerable so scared. "Remember what I said when I found out about Jace," Izzy asked Alec looking into his eyes. "Someday, somebody...say it with me, Alec," Izzy said looking in his eyes "someday somebody is gonna love you, heart" the said both while Izzy placed a hand on Alec his chest close to his heart "heart and soul" the finished. "Izzy," Alec asked weak looking up at Izzy seeing a tear fell down her cheek. "Oh thank god," Izzy said wrapping her arms around Alec. Meanwhile, Magnus has grabbed the dagger and was now looking at the two of them. "Did, did I hurt you?" Alec asked pulling away grabbing Izzy by her cheeks and inspected her face. "Not a scratch," Izzy said chuckling "oh thank god," Alec said hugging her again seeing Magnus leaning against the wall. "Did I hurt you?" Alec asked scared for the answer "no you didn't at least not a second time" Magnus said walking to the two. "Oh thank god," Alec said holding Izzy even closer to him. "Why are you geared up," Alec asked when he finally pulled away. "Patrol," Izzy said.

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