Chapter 2.60

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Okay so I am just gonna do it like normal so instead of the next chapter called "chapter 2.61," I am gonna make it "116)...." and then a little bit about the episode like "morning kisses and black nights". Now enjoy the chapter.

"I would want nothing more then to help you get them back," Magnus said cupping Alec his cheeks. Alec bit his lip looking at Magnus', for some reason this felt normal...good it didn't felt weird like with Dean it felt loving. Alec leaned in pressing his lips against Magnus' catching him in surprise but it didn't stop him from  kissing back. Alec let his hands fall on Magnus his hips pushing him in as Magnus moaned softly. Alec pulled away looking in Magnus his eyes with a smile before kissing his jawline to his neck sucking his skin hearing Magnus moan. Both Magnus and Alec heard a door close as Alec smiled against Magnus his neck. "My bad forgot she was still here," Alec whispered in Magnus his ear. Alec sucked on Magnus his earlobe before pushing him on the bed. Alec scrawled on top of Magnus and sat on his lap before taking his shirt and let his hands fall over Magnus his chest and stomach to his belt. Magnus quickly grabbed his wrist. "What do you not want to," Alec asked confused pulling his hand back. "No it's not that I wanted this for 2 years it's just I want to make sure you want it," Magnus said. "I want this," Alec said before he tried to unbuckle Magnus his belt again. "You are wearing to much clothes," Magnus said pulling his shirt towards himself. "Then take it off," Alec said holding his arms up. Magnus pushed himself up and took Alec his shirt off before kissing Alec in his neck wrapping his arms around Alec his torso and turning them around so Magnus was on top of Alec while Alec wrapped his legs around Magnus his waist pulling him in.

Magnus fell down next to Alec panting loud as he cuddled up against Alec. Sex with Magnus was different then with Dean most for the time with Dean it was rough with Magnus it was gentle and loving. "I missed you Alexander," Magnus said before falling asleep with his arms wrapped around Alec his torso.

"are you here," I asked knocking on my door before walking in "yeah I'm here, look I am..." "please don't apologize," I said walking over to Magnus and sitting down on the bed next to him. "look I get that it maybe is hard with everything..." "no you don't you don't know how hard it is when the person that you care about is getting taken away from you, remember when you were hallucinating and you tried to kill yourself that was one of the most devastating moments of my life, when you almost got married, and all those moments, and when you broke up with me I knew deep down it wasn't you but still it hit me like a rock that maybe we are too different maybe we are not good for each other and there we so much more moment were I thought that we weren't good for each other but when I saw you kissing right after we had sex that broke me in more than one way" Magnus said looking down at his hands. "Magnus first of all, all those things I said to you I fell horrible about it from when I was under some sort of spell and from when I didn't was under the spell and I know one thing" I said grabbing his cheek so Magnus had to face me "that I can't live without you and that I love you"

I woke up with a horrible headache and two arms wrapped around my torso, when I looked at the person I saw Magnus laying there peacefully sleeping. "morning" Magnus said without opening his eyes "uh morning" I said blushing "were you staring at me" Magnus asked before turning his back to me. "maybe" I said wrapping my arms around Magnus and laying my head in his neck softly brushing my lips against his skin. "stop teasing" Magnus whispered. "why would I" I whispered into his eat before softly bitting in his earlobe. A soft moan escaped his mouth "because I can tease back only way harder" Magnus said turning around and getting on top of me kissing me in my neck, a moan escaped my mouth. when Magnus pulled away I looked at him seeing Makayla. "missed me" she said grabbing me by the neck and strangling me. I was gasping for air when I woke up. tears were running down my face as someone was hugging me "calm down it is me, don't worry" "someone was strangling me" I whispered. "Alexander no one was strangling were strangling yourself," Magnus said looking at me in fear.


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