Chapter 2.04

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"How the hell are we gonna get Alec out there," Jace asked looking over at Magnus and Izzy. "Well we would like to know that too," Izzy said a little irritated "if they find out Alec is trying to kill himself or worse kill others god knows what they are gonna do," Izzy said looking at Jace and then Magnus. "yeah I get that but how the hell do we get in if no one let us in" Jace asked. "what about during shift change everyone changes at one point of the day that's the same with patrol, what if I volunteer to do a night shift you guys can get him out of the infirmary or at least have a look at him" Izzy said as he face lighted up a bit hoping it would work. "but we have to do it at night during the day there are way too many people at the infirmar..." "hey you're supposed to be in the infirmary..." the group heard a man says "hey let go of me" the man said again. Izzy looked over at Magnus before rushing over to the voices, seeing Alec holding a man by the throat.

"Alec let go," Jace said rushing over to Alec releasing the man from his grip. "get me out of here" Alec whispered too Izzy and Magnus when they helped Alec, "my loft," Magnus said before walking out with Alec. "call me as soon as you get there" Izzy said before Magnus walked out with Alec.

"are you okay," Izzy asked helping Jace with the man "yeah I will live but what is up with him," the man asked pointing at the direction Alec walked into before. "He had a rough day just go back to do your thing," Izzy said giving him a small push in the other direction. "I am going over to Magnus his loft I just move on with your day hopefully we will have a while until Lydia and the rest finds out he is gone," Izzy said to Jace before walking out of the Institute to Magnus his loft.

"Alec your okay" Magnus asked helping Alec to the couch holding him up. "Yeah I am fine they gave me something but I needed to get away," Alec said weakly. "Well at least we got you out," Magnus said before walking to the kitchen and grabbing a glass of water. "here," Magnus said handing Alec the glass of water. "I can't sleep, every time I close my eyes she is there" Alec mumbled after taking the glass of water out of his hands. 

Alec was laying against Magnus his chest when someone knocked on the door. "Magnus," Izzy said from the other side of the door. "door is open" Magnus yelled hearing the door open too soon after seeing Izzy walk in "is he..." "he is fine," Izzy said cutting Alec off. Alec let out a sigh of relief and gave Izzy a small smile. "as long as he doesn't start talking you should be fine but they will find out that you are not laying at the infirmary" Izzy said looking at Alec and Magnus. Alec was looking at Izzy when he felt very dizzy and started to faint a little. "Alec are you okay," Izzy said a little worried. "he is fine they gave him anesthetic so he could sleep" Magnus explained as Alec fell asleep on the couch. 

"look I don't care, Magnus, this is my brother we are talking about we need to find her" Izzy said looking at Magnus. "I get that but what if we find her, then what torture her to let this go for the same reason is it just Alec who is scared of her and she has nothing to do with it...look I get that you want to save Alec and I want that too but god knows what can happen first of all if we find her and second of all if she gets close to Alec" Magnus  said half whispering not wanting to wake Alec. "Magnus what the hell are we suppo..." Izzy got cut off by Alec grunting and turning around. Izzy froze hoping not to wake him. "what the hell are we supposed to do then" Izzy whispered when Alec was laying still and they could hear him breathe slowly. "I don't know, but getting involved with Makayla again isn't an option" "Magnus Makayla is the one who first got Alec in trouble she is the reason Alec is in this mess," Izzy said pointing at Alec. "I know I just..." before Magnus could finish his sentence Alec started to gasp moving his arms trying to hold something so he could get up. When Alec found Magnus his shoulder he pushed himself up still with his eyes closed and gasping. "Alec, Alec wake up," Izzy said getting up from a chair shaking Alec his body. "what is happening to him," Izzy asked Magnus his fear. "it looks like he is...drowning" Magnus said "well what did you do the last time he was drowning" Izzy asked in fear still shaking his body but his eyes didn't open and he kept gasping. Magnus grabbed the back of Alec's neck kissing him doing the same he did last time but this time it failed. "seriously he is dying and you're kissing him" Izzy said a little freaked out. "last time he woke up" Magnus said "you're gonna need to pull him out but I don't know how he will react" Magnus said closing his eyes with his hands still on the back of Alec his neck "just do it" Izzy said "come here" Magnus said also grabbed her by her back of the neck. "I don't know how long I can hold so do it quickly," Magnus said quickly "okay just do it," Izzy said.

sort of cliff hanger, no not really sorry let me know what you thought

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