Chapter 2.32

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"Any lead on Makayla," Alec asked seeing Izzy and Clary looking at a monitor. "Nothing I have looked through every book with old and new languages, nothing," "great, this is just great," Alec said walking away again, "Alec wait, Alec," Izzy said walking after Alec. "What is it Izzy, I am not in the mood," Alec said looking at her with an angry but also upset face. "What happened with Magnus," Izzy asked placing a hand on Alec his arm. "Magnus, is just, he is going through a lot," Alec said rubbing his forehead. "Was it that bad," Izzy asked with a concerned face.  "We won't talk to me that is everything," Alec said pushing Izzy her hand away. "Alec don't let Magnus push you away," Izzy said before walking back to Clary.

"Alec, I am going back to Idris soon, and since I feel sorry for everything that happened taking your spot and that arranged marriage, I am appointing you head of the Institute," Lydia said after she called Alec into her office. "Wait, What," Alec asked surprised but happy. "After everything you have been through I feel sorry for taking your spot, I will leave in 2 days I will announce it tomorrow to the rest of the Institute," Lydia said. "Thank you Lydia," Alec said with a soft smile on his face. "Don't thank you, you can go now," Lydia said focusing on her work again.

"Congrats Alec," Jace said when Alec told him. "Yeah, well I don't kn..." "What the hell," Alec said looking at a screen seeing something approach the perimeter and a loud rapid beeping. "A downworlder," Alec said looking at Jace before an alarm started pulsing and red lights pulsing in the ops center. "Come on," Alec said giving Jace a pat on his shoulder before walking out of the Institute aiming his bow. "Drop what you are holding, put your hands up," Alec said seeing a woman figure holding something. The woman slowly turned around and stepping into the light. "Catar...Magnus," Alec said letting his bow fall on the ground when Magnus his body in Catarina her arms (she uses magic to carry him) "What happened," Alec asked running over to Catarina taking him over from her. "I don't know I found him like this in his loft," Catarina said "we need to get him inside," Alec said turning around seeing Jace still stand there. Jace looked at Alec seeing him vulnerable, in a way he never seen Alec.

Sorry is all I can say...sorry any thoughts????

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