Chapter 2.30

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"You are free to leave," the Seelie queen said as the vines disappeared in the ground. "Come on Magnus le..." Alec looked over at the spot Magnus was supposed to stand but he was gone. "Looks like one of you have already left," the Seelie queen said with a small smile on her face. Alec looked from the Seelie queen to Liam to Izzy and Jace before rubbing his forehead and running off not caring about his weapons the only thing that mattered was Magnus.

"Magnus," Alec yelled knocking on Magnus his front door. "Magnus, I know you are in there," "Magnus open the door," Alec said while he kept knocking at the door, "Magnus, please...we need to talk," Alec said holding his fist against the door and leaned his head against it. After a while Alec realized that he could use the unlock rune because Magnus his wards disappeared when he lost his magic. Alec slowly opened the door walking into his apartment. Alec walked further into his apartment seeing Magnus sit on the couch. "Magnus I a..." "leave," Magnus said not looking up from his hands. "Magnus, you know damn well what happened there..." "Alec, I don't wanna argue with you right now so please...leave," Magnus said again looking up at Alec. "Magnus, I won't leave until we talked, please you know damn well what happened wasn't true," Alec said kneeling down in front of Magnus. "Magnus, please, you have to believe me Liam was a one night thing, I never loved him, I love you," Alec said grabbing Magnus his hand. "Alexander, I don't care..." "Magnus, it was a one night thing, one night okay, nothing more, and I was drunk, and it was almost two years ago and I love you," Alec said moving his hand to Magnus his cheek. Magnus opened his mouth not knowing what to say so Alec just moved his hand to the back of Magnus his neck and hugged him.

Sorry for the short chapter....thoughts??

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