Chapter 17

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Magnus POV: 

When I walked in Izzy, Jace and Clary were gone and Alec was nowhere to be found "Alexander" I looked around the room worried and looking for Alec when I heard someone coughing and gagging in the bathroom. I walked to the door knocking on it "Alexander are you in there" I got no response "Alexander" I asked now a little worried "d...d...d...don't c..c...come in" I heard Alec say weakly but instead of listening I opened the door and saw Alec kneeling in front of the toilet. I kneeled next to him placing my hand in his back and running circles, when I placed my hand on his back, Alec, back he flinched in fear "hey hey it's just me" I said when he looked at me "I told you not to come in I look horrible" he said coughing again "you do not look horrible" I said still running circles on his back. When he was done he leaned to the wall looking at me "here let me help you" I said grabbing his arms and placing it over my neck so he could wrap himself around my neck while I lifted him up, holding his neck and under his legs 

"let's get you to bed" I said carrying him tot he bedroom "Magnus, I can't be in bed all day" he said while I placed him on his bed and pulled the sheets over him "Alexander, you're sick you need to rest just let me take care of you I am sure that they can handle the attacks you need to rest" Alec looked at me and as stubborn as he is, of course, he was trying to get out of bed "wow were are you going" I asked putting him down again "Magnus I have an institute to run, and I am fine so just let it go!" He said a little angrier now "Alec just listens to me. An trying to protect you and you just won't kiss ended do please let me help you so you can recover" I said grabbing his hand and sitting down next to him on the bed "no Magnus maybe you should go because you're not helping me" he said angrily releasing my grip on his hand "If you want me to go fine but don't forget to take these" I handed him the pot of pills and walked out I was so mad at him that he didn't listen to me all I wanted to do was help him. But I couldn't let my relationship interfere with my duty's. I walked out of the Institute not saying anything to Jace, Clary or Izzy I just left and I don't even know why I am so mad I just am.

(A/N: okay so this is a little note in between the story with a little bit of explaining the reason why this story is this way. I am in a depression for almost 3 to 4 years now ( I am 13) and my therapist said that is would help writing it things down, that's why Alec tried to kill himself because I tried to do it and I am gonna make the relationship a lot worse between Alec and Magnus just to show you guys that it is not always that they just fall in love and get married and have kids or something like that it is way more and I have had that kind of experience in a way and it is so hard to have that. that is why I make their relationship so hard I hope you guys still like the story and don't worry Malec will be together they only need there time. That is also why there are some lines that just doesn't make any sense like Magnus who doesn't know why he is mad and that is the hard part because when you are in a depression the only thing you can be mad at is yourself and I am not saying that Alec or Magnus is in a depression I just want to show you guys that even though you might not be in a depression that you can still be unreasonable and you can still feel weird without knowing what it is so I just want to say that I hope you guys don't skip this little part because it is really important and if you have any question just ask them and maybe I will answer them and if I don't then I will say so and why I don't want to answer them) PS. I don't want to get any attention I just want to make the story hopefully I little bit more clear why it is like this. So I don't need hate comments that I just want this for attention. Enjoy this chapter

Alec POV: 

After Magnus gave me the pills we walked out now looking at me, what did I do. I stepped out of bed and walked to the bathroom to grab a glass of water I still felt dizzy so I hold myself on the furniture around me. When I got back I looked at the package of the pills I needed to take one now and before I go to bed, well that shouldn't be hard. I took the pill placed the bottle of pills in the small cupboard above the sink. I walked back into my room cleaned up a little put on some normal clothes and then saw that my hand was still in the plaster. I should have someone look at this. When I had put on a pair of black jeans and a dark blue blouse I walked into my office and got behind my desk. I grabbed a file and opened it looking at the pictures from the victim.

I was deep into work when a knock on my bedroom door pulled me out of my thoughts and work. "Alec are you okay" I heard Izzy say "izz I am here" I, yelled hoping she would hear me.

(A/N: there is a door between Alec his room and office which looks like this only then without the glass, the doors are just from wood the reason why I chose it this way is because otherwise somethings doesn't make any sense ( not that my story ma...

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(A/N: there is a door between Alec his room and office which looks like this only then without the glass, the doors are just from wood the reason why I chose it this way is because otherwise somethings doesn't make any sense ( not that my story makes any snese but okay)  so that is why and I know that it is not so in the tv show or film and probably not in the books but I choose for it)

Izzy walked into my room and saw the doors to my office open "Hey why are you up you need to rest" she said leaning against the door looking at me " why is everyone so overprotective I am fine just a small headache" I said with an annoyed voice. I didn't wait for an answer I just focused back on my work "Alec, you passed out and where is Magnus" she walked over too me and grabbed the files away from me "Izzy I am fine I send Magnus away and can I now have my files back I need to fill in a report to the clave, have you any further information about the attacks"I asked looking at her and holding out my hand so she could give me back my file. "Alec you are sick a nurse gave you pills and your hand is still in the plaster you can't work," Izzy said looking at me "Izzy for the last time. I am fine! now give me back my files when you have any further information about the attacks you can come back, so please give me back my files and leave" I said looking at her "Alec if you are not taking care of you don't come to me and say that no one took care of you or cared about you because Magnus, Jace me and Clary, are trying to help you so don't come to me later and say that we didn't help you" she slammed the file as I scoffed at the name Clary "what-what is wrong the way I talk to the head of the institute because I am not talking to him I am talking to my brother and the Alec I knew was caring and yes he was stubborn as hell but he was my brother and family was important to him and he once said 'screw the rules screw them screw all of this' but when you became head of the institute it changed you! just leave me alone..." when I saw tears in her eyes I felt sorry but I couldn't say anything because she already left the room. I quickly grabbed my phone and texted Jace if he could come over to my office I needed to make something right......

a long chapter, I hope you guys enjoyed it???

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