chapter 29

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I haven't edited this chapter I will do it maybe later but I just wanted to publish something♥️🙏🏻➰

Alec POV:

It's a shadowhunter. All the attacks were mundanes and shadowhunters. "ave atque vale, hale and farewell" I stood up walking out of the alley leaving the body behind. I need to find that demon now.

I have been walking through Brooklyn looking for the demon for hours. I was sitting on a bench in a park. I looked around seeing almost nobody I slowly felt my eyes getting heavier and hard to hold open so I just lay down on the bench falling asleep.

When I woke up I was still dark but the sun was already coming up I quickly stood up hearing someone scream I run towards the screaming. When I walked around a corner of a street I saw a girl lay on the floor with on top of her something. It looked like a huge bug like a spider. I grab my bow and shoot an arrow at him but instead of hitting him he turns around and catches the arrow. I ran away hoping it would come after me and surprisingly it did.

I was running away until it lost me I run back to the place where the girl was laying on the floor and surprisingly she was still there I walked over to her lifting her up and bringing her to a not so open spot. When I lay her down in the alley I looked at her neck and saw a big bloody wound but again next to the wound there was a rune "hey wake up" I softly shake her trying to wake her up "hey wake up" when I said it a second time she started coughing "hey hey you're okay" I placed a hand on her arm slowly rubbing her "your a..." she placed my hand on my rune in my neck "shadowhunter" she finished her sentence "yeah I am and so are you but why haven't I seen you here before" I asked looking at her. when I saw that her wound was still bleeding. "you're still bleeding were are you" I looked at her waiting for an answer "I lost it when I got attacked" she explained I grabbed my stele out of my pocket and handed it to her "here you mine" I grabbed the stele and took off her jacket and rolled up her sleeve revealing more runes and her healing rune. she used the stele and gave it back to me thank you are you from around here I'm from London" she explained holding her hand out "yeah my institute is a couple of minutes away from her but I can't go back I can show you where it is if you want that. I am Alec by the way" "I am.........." she started "did that demon attack you that hard that you can't remember your own name" I said jokingly "uhhhh, yes yeas I hit my head really hard" she said "okay" I said looking at her confused "let's get you to the institute. this is gonna be fun" I said helping her up

a new short chapter the next one is gonna be a long one

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