chapter 44

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don't forget to check out my new book 'love cuts deep'

Clary POV:

When we walked up the 3rd floor were Makayla had her apartment we saw Jace leaning against the wall "what the hell took so long" Jace asked walking over to us. "Sorry, some trouble on the way," I said pointing at Simon behind Izzy "well I have heard some sound I rather forget," Jace said making a weird face and pointed at the door.

I could see the anger boil up in Magnus when Jace said that I also didn't take long to open the door. They walked to the living room seeing Alec sitting on the couch making out with Makayla on top of him in only her bra and panties. "You bitch," Magnus said angry using his magic to choke her and holding her against the wall. "What did you do to him," Magnus asked in anger revealing his cat eyes. "Magnus, calm down" I placed a hand on Magnus his shoulder feeling the tense feeling from his body. "what the hell is going on," Alec asked angrily looking at Magnus "what did you do to him" Magnus yelled again. "let her go," Alec said to Magnus but got stopped by Izzy who grabbed his arm. "let me what you did to him" Magnus yelled again "oh sweetie you can kill me but then he will die" Makayla said with a big smirk on her face. "what do you mean" Magnus asked confused "I have been listening to all of you since Alec found me and I have men who are not afraid to fulfill their duty" Makayla said Magnus let down his hands letting Makayla go. Meanwhile, Izzy had taken Alec outside of the apartment.

I walked to the door hearing Alec and Izzy argue while Makayla Magnus and Jace were standing in the living room more than ready to attack. "this is who I am" I heard Alec said. "no this isn't you, you have to listen to me come with me ple..." "no I made my decision," Alec said walking back in past me looking at me in disgust. (people don't forget this is not the real Alec as in he doesn't control what he says) When I walked outside I saw Izzy with tears in her eyes while Simon held her in a hug. He looked up at me seeing my face 'go' I mouthed to Simon before walking back inside when he turned around and walked out of the building with Izzy.

Izzy POV:

When Simon turned around and walked out with me I didn't want to fight it. I was done with, fighting for things that I couldn't fix. When we arrived at the Insitute walking straight to my room followed by Simon. I sat down on my bed looking over at Simon. "I lost him didn't I" I mumbled "what" Simon walked up to me kneeling in front of me and grabbing my chin so I had to look at him. "Alec, I lost him didn't I," I said again now while a tear fell down my cheek. "to be honest, I don't think you do," Simon said "whatever has happened he would still be in there, and we're gonna help him, me and your brother may not like each other that much but he is important to you and I care about you" Simon said. My eyes got big when he said that while a smile appeared on my face. I placed my hand on his cheek and leaned in kissing him. (A/N: well if you don't have Malec now you atleast have sizzy) Simon stood up still kissing me while I moved with him, he turned us around so he was now sitting on the bed while I was sitting on his lap.

Magnus POV:

When Alec walked back inside the room I looked over at him but what I saw wasn't the Alec I knew anymore it was like he was totally gone like he never existed. I walked to the door of the apartment getting stopped by Jace. "Where are you going," he asked me "I am gonna go back to my loft and drink away my sorrows," "what you can't leave we need to..."

(put the song on now from 0:38)

"face it Jace the Alec we knew is gone and you know it" I cut him off before jerking my arm lose and walking out not focusing on Clary yelling my name.

When I arrived back at my loft I grabbed a drink and sat down on the couch thinking about Alec.

Jace POV:

When Magnus said that it hit me like a rock my grip on his arm loosened and he jerked his arm out of my grip. I stood there until I felt a hand on my shoulder. I looked up seeing Clary. "he is gone isn't he," I asked her. She gave me a small sad nod before she hugged me. After a long and loving hug, she grabbed my hand and walking out of the apartment back to the Institute. When we walked into the Insitute it felt different like something or someone was missing and there did was missing someone my brother, my parabatai, my friend. "you okay" Clary asked me "yeah just I never thought this was how I was gonna lose him" I said looking down "Jace if he would be gone this would have disappeared." Clary said pushing my shirt up placing her finger on my parabatai rune. "yeah the body may be not gone but you know to that the Alec we know is gone." I said pushing my shirt back down. "yeah I know." Clary said before walking further into the Institute.

(you can stop the music if you want or even had it on)

Alec POV:

I fluttered my eyes feeling my hand and legs tight up with a rob, " where the hell am I" I muttered looking around the room " too bad it always works out so fast with shadowhunters" I heard Makayla say "what did you do to them" I yelled trying to escape. "don't try to escape you will be in your coma soon enough" Makayla said sitting down on the couch. "they gave up on be didn't they" I asked with a sad tone in my voice. but I got no reaction "didn't they" I yelled now "but of course and guess who was the first one" Makayla said, I felt a tear run down his cheek when I sort of already knew it was Magnus because of how happy Makayla  sounded"oh you know what I don't want to hear your answer, do it" she said to a dark figure in the corner of the room. I couldn't see his or her face I looked over at Makayla before it went black...again.

okay so in this chapter we had a little bit of everyone's POV except Simon but did they really give up on Alec let me know your thoughts

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