120) the truth

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Alec walked out of the bedroom to Magnus pushing him harshly against the wall holding his arm against his throat making it hard for Magnus to breath. "Alec stop," Clary said walking out. "What did you do to him," Alec asked threatening Magnus. "What do you mean," Magnus said trying to push Alec away with out hurting him. "How did you got your magic back," Alec asked. "The ring you gave me... with a little help of Catarina I managed to drain a little magic out of it," Magnus said. Alec his face softened and let his hand slip from Magnus his throat, but fast his face turned into fear he had just doubted the man that he love he was ready to kill him. "Alexander are you okay..." "don't," Alec said when he saw Magnus his hand reaching out to him. "Clary can you..." "sure," Clary said taking Izzy and Jace and left. "Here," Magnus said handing Alec a cup of tea. "Are you okay," Alec asked again taking the cup. "Alexander you have been asking me that question for a thousand times and every time it's the same answer, so stop asking me it's okay, you're just confused." magnus said sitting down next to Alec. "Magnus, I was ready to kill you," Alec said looking at his cup. "But you didn't," Magnus said trying to find Alec his eyes. "Alec look at me," Magnus said grabbing Alec his cup and placed it on the table before holding Alec his cheek forcing Alec to look at him. "You didn't and that's what matters," Magnus said leaning in to kiss Alec. Alec pulled away from the kiss and just rested his head on Magnus his lap who tangled his hands in Alec his hair enjoying the silence.After a while Alec got back up again seeing Magnus half asleep with his head leaning on his right shoulder. Alec knew that once Magnus was asleep waking him up would be hard so he pulled Magnus down on the couch and grabbed a blanket lay down on top of him and gave him a soft peck on his lips before holding Magnus his waist. Alec felt Magnus his legs move tangling them with Alec as he wrapped his around around Alec and murmured out an I love you. Alec chuckled hearing how tired Magnus was pushing himself up so he was facing Magnus his closed eyes and kissed him. "Come on, this couch is way to small let's get to bed," Alec mumbled against Magnus his lips getting a small moan out of approval. Alec got off Magnus who quickly stood up and grabbed the waistband of Alec his jeans pulling him back against Magnus his chest letting out a gasp and a moan when their body's connected. "Fuck Magnus," Alec said soft moaning seeing Magnus his hands appear at the buckle of his belt. Alec stopped Magnus knowing that Magnus was gonna get back for stopping him. "Bedroom," Alec said not even trying to be seductive just wanting to make sure no one would walk in on them tucking in the couch. (Looking at you JACE)


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