the end

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2 year time skip:

Alec and Magnus and the rest have been trying to recover from what they have been through for 2 years now it's been hard and both Magnus and Alec will be scarred mentally and physically, after a year Magnus and Alec gave up trying to get the rest back of his memories back, so they decided to replace them with new memories. Izzy finally officially got together with Simon after half a year and Clary and Jace got engaged while Magnus and Alec finally got married. (Magnus got is magic back partly but not his immortality)

Alec smiled walking into their apartment seeing Magnus on the ground with a little boy on top of him. Alec smiled taking his jacket off and leaned against the wall looking at his husband with their son on his stomach. "Papa," the three year old boy said stumbling forwards Alec who picked him up and pressed a kiss on his forehead. "How are my two favorite people in the world doing," Alec asked holding Max up. Magnus stood up kissing Alec on his lips. Max was very attached to Alec so every time Magnus would kiss Alec he would try and push Magnus away. Magnus rubbing Max his head messing up his hair kissing him on his head.
"I am doing good," Magnus said giving Alec a kiss on his cheek. "How was work," Magnus asked "don't get me started on it, demon attacks all over New York and incredibly much paper work," Alec said putting Max down again. "And the clave is not helping at all," Alec said kneeling down. "Why don't you go and change," Alec said to Max pushing him softly into the direction of his room. "Plus, Jace and Clary won't keep their hands off each other, it's gross but it some how made me miss you," Alec said sitting on the couch as Magnus sat down next to him leaning against Alec. "Well that is a good thing because I missed you too," Magnus said holding Alec his cheek letting it fall down his neck kissing him. "Is Catarina free tomorrow," Alec asked against Magnus his lips. "I think so," Magnus said chuckling kissing him again. "I'm gonna make dinner." Magnus said standing up making Alec whine. "Oh shut up and go check on Max," Magnus said chuckling and walking into the kitchen.

After dinner Max started yawning and Alec put him to bed. Alec walked into the kitchen seeing Magnus clean up. He turned Magnus around who placed his hand on his waist as Alec held Magnus by the side of his neck softly touching it with his fingers and his thumb resting on his chin softly kissing him. It wasn't a messy rough kiss no it was sweet, gentle and loving, they hadn't done anything sexual in a while sometime Catarina would take care of Max so they had some time alone only instead of doing anything they would just lay in bed and cuddle maybe make out a bit but not going all the way. "Can we just go to bed," Alec asked resting his forehead against Magnus'. "Of course," Magnus said. Snapping his finger so they were both in their boxers. Magnus and Alec stumbled into the bedroom kissing each other. Alec fell on the bed holding Magnus his waist as they crawled under the covers they made out for a while before Alec lay down on Magnus his shoulder letting his hand slowly explore Magnus his chest and stomach as Magnus just enjoyed his touch.
"I love you," Magnus mumbled. "I love you too,"

(Okay so before you can read the last bit I do am considering making like a sequel on this story where they are happy and there are almost no problems and they raise Max ofc so let me know if you want to see that. Also in the sequel I will have some chapters with other couples in there like clace an Sizzy so let me know please. BTW if you haven't put one and two together Max is the boy Alec found at Dean is "home" I guess I can call it but let me know if you guys want to see a sequel)

So writing this chapter got me into tears I love your comments and theories on this story so much and I love you guys all so much ♥️✨➰🍸 and don't worry I have a lot more stories coming up... and now the last part of the story...

"They say that everyone needs someone to fight for, for me that was, is and always be Magnus, people always talk about the perfect love story two people fall in love get married, have kids and live happily ever after, for us it was not like that, but you know what this was better, we went to death and destruction, to hell and back and still we are together and still we love each other, we don't need a perfect love story because that is not how love works, you were supposed to explore it and that's what I did, with Magnus, and one of the greatest gifts we have of being alive is the ability to give, receive and even lose love, and our story was a wrong love story...a perfect one," - Alec Lightwood (my own quote)

I mean I don't know how to thank you guys sometimes writers get a lot of credit but the writers wouldn't be where they are without their fans and I am really happy to see that people really loved my story and gave it a chance even tho, the first chapter may, wasn't what you wanted or thought it was still a lot of people kept reading and I am so so so happy that I got to not only write a fanfiction but also share my emotions with you guy and I just wanted to give a big big thank you for some passionate people who left their comment under my book and shared their thoughts and I hope my next books will be just as good and will have just as much passionate readers, so thank you so much!! when I started his book I was in a dark place a place where there only seemed one way out of everything and this book the sweet comments, theories and of course the show helped me so much. So
I got to thank you guys this was the first book I took really serious and I am happy that you guys liked it and yes I will make more Malec fanfiction books so don't worry there are some great thing coming... love you guys ♥️➰✨🍸 and after almost two years my story is finally over...

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