chapter 2.22

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"Magnus," Alec said looking into the most beautiful dark brown eyes that he had missed so much. "Alexander you...what happened," Magnus asked reaching out to the bandage. "nothing," Alec said moving his arm away looking down not wanting Magnus to see the pain in Alec his eyes, he may have turned back into the perfect soldier, Magnus was someone who could break through those fake walls. "Alexander, if anything would have happened," "Magnus, I am fine, okay, why are you here," Alec asked trying so hard not to do anything, breaking up with Magnus was the worst thing he could have ever done and still he could make it up to Magnus. "well, I wanted to see you and, give you this back," Magnus said giving Alec and bag with clothes before walking past him. "Magnus, wait," Alec said grabbing his arm and letting his hand slide down Magnus his arm until he was holding Magnus his hand. "I'm sorry," was all he could say without tearing up. "well, I am sorry too for not fighting hard enough for you," Magnus said before walking away trying to keep his tears in.

"can we talk," Alec asked walking over to Magnus. "sure," Magnus said walking after Alec, "Magnus, they say that Nephilim love once. Fiercely, and if I have learned something then it is that it's a hundred percent true, I just don't wanna hurt you, and I can't live without you, when I thought I lost you because of Jace, all I could think about is revenging you, seeing you lay on that hospital bed, I didn't know what to do, all I could think about is that the reason you were laying there was because I dragged you into my mess, into my messed up life and that you were suffering for my deeds," Alec said fighting his tears, "Alexander, everything that has happened every single time I was in pain, your voice was the one keeping me fighting keeping me believing that one day, you would find me and we could be happy, that we could stay together, and that I could trust you, but after a week ago, I don't know if I can trust you anymore, you broke my heart the one person that I thought would never do it, and I don't know what to do about it,-" Magnus said placing his hand on the side of Alec his neck, "-I love you so much, but I can't," Magnus said, when he was about to remove his hand Alec hold his wrist, "Magnus I made a mistake, the biggest mistake I could have ever made, please let me how to fix it, please Magnus, I love YOU more than anyone and I made a mistake, and I am so sorry, im sorry," Alec begged holding Magnus his hand. Magnus stepped closer too Alec softly placing a kiss on Alec his lips. "goodbye Alexander," Magnus said removing his hand from Alec his neck and walking away out of the institute.


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