Chapter 28

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Okay, so I am gonna make really short chapters now so I can make the 30ste chapter a really long one.

Alec POV:

I was running away from the hunters moon when it started to rain. when I found a small alley I sat down on the floor hiding my head in my knees and holding my knees tight to my chest.

It felt like is at there for days but it has been only hours. All of a sudden I heard someone call my name. When I looked out of the alley not far away from me Izzy was running through the empty streets of Brooklyn looking around. I quickly got up walking further into the alley into the shadows behind a dumpster. I saw Izzy her shadow walking by I used my anti-tracking rune when I run away from Magnus so no one could find me. When I didn't hear Izzy scream my name anymore I stood up looking around the corner of the alley seeing if anyone was there but now the street was really empty I got out of the alley and walked to Greenpoint look my for the demon and a place I could sleep because going tot he Institute right now would be too much I need time, time to think. When I arrived at Greenpoint I walked into an alley when I suddenly saw blood on the floor. I walked to the spot where the blood came from and a bloody man was in the ground "demons" I stood up grabbing my bow and arrow searching the area.

After 10 minutes I gave up there was nothing. I got back to the body when I suddenly saw something black I pulled up the sleeve and saw a rune...

Magnus POV:

When I got back to my loft I didn't want to sleep I didn't want to eat I was just sitting on my couch looking at my phone waiting for Izzy or Jace, Clary or maybe Alec to call me. I was waiting for so long I didn't notice that I was slowly falling asleep.

When I woke up the sun was on his highest and when I looked at my phone I saw it was almost 12 am and I had 4 missed phone calls from Izzy 3 from Jace 8 from Camille and also a thousand messages form Camille. As quick as I could I called Izzy hoping she would pick up "Izzy hey sorry that I didn't answer any lead on Alec" I said quickly when she connected "no nothing just wanted to ask how you were" Izzy said I fell back on the couch (he was standing) feeling my fear grow "I get that you are worried about me but we need to find him first call me when you have something, I'm gonna try and track him" I hung up not waiting for an answer. I put my phone down and walked to the bedroom grabbing one of Alec his shirts trying to track him...nothing.

as I said really short chapters let me know what you guys think

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