Chapter 2

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 "someday someone will come along and tear down those walls you have built around your heart" - Regnor Fell  

Clary POV:

What I said to Alec last night wasn't fair seeing how he looked at me when I said it regret it the moment I looked into those eyes. I hate hurting him but I still love Jace and the stuff with Alec I don't know what it is. Is this just a fling, an affair or more.

I when I walked into the training room I saw Alec and Magnus talk. I saw his hand was all red when I looked at his eyes I saw pain. When I saw that Magnus put a hand on his arm, I saw the way Alec looked at him. When I saw Alec come into my direction I quickly walked away.

When Alec was gone I walked back to Magnus and saw he was still there "hey what was that about" I asked walking to Magnus

"well hello to you too," he said looking at me "hi Magnus, what were you to talking about, "I said "oh, Alec nothing he was upset and I tried to comfort him," he said "but I need a drink, want one too" he asked "no thanks Magnus" I said smiling "if you hear anything about Alec call me please" he said placing a hand on my shoulder. I nobbed and saw him walk away.

Alec POV:

When I walked into my office I broke, I didn't know what to do. I sat down behind my bureau holding my head in my hand it felt like I sat there for hours crying until I heard Clary's voice ""Alec are you okay" she asked I whipped away my tears and looked at her when she saw me face she ran to me kneeling in front of me cupping my face "Alex what is wrong" she asked "I'm fine" I said grabbing her hands and putting them down. I stood up walking to my room which was next to my office "Alec please talk to me" she said "you want me to talk to you" I said walking towards her standing only a few centimeters away from her "you are my problem first you say you want to be with me then you say I am just a fling , Clary I am done letting me sped get hurt by a girl that I don't even know if you can love" I said looking at her "what do you mean can't love" she asked sad. "I am saying that I have been pushing me real feelings down trying to feel something for you and at the moment it is staring you work you say I am an affair a fling." I said mad looking at her she grabbed my face but I step back pushing her hand down "Clary I can't pretend that I love you or like while I am like someone else" I said looking at her "Alec please listened to me what I said yesterday was wrong and I regret it so much but you can't walk around the fact that Jace and I have been together for almost 3 years now and we are happy, but I also can't walk around the fact that I love you so much" she said walking closer to me "one last time Alec" she said almost touching my lips "one last time" I said pressing my lips against hers. I picked her up placing her on my desk and taking of her shirt throwing it on the floor. I picked her up again throwing her on my bed and taking of my shirt. I slowly crawled on top of her kissing her stomach up to her bra. I looked at her she nodded and I took of her bra revealing her breasts. I took on in my hand and the other I started sucking her nipple. A soft moan escaped her mouth. I kissed her neck up to her lips and locket my lips with her again. She let her hand run over my abs down to my belt and unbuckled by belt and pushed my pants down I grabbed her waist turning us around that she was on top of me I opened her pants pushing them down so that she was only left in her underwear.
(A/N: okay so I am still working on my smut part so let me know what you guys think do far I am gonna stop her because I can't come out of my words)
Next morning:
Clary POV:
I woke up in Alec's arms think back about last night. It was absolute amazing and then I remember what we said "last time" when I remembered that I got out of bed quick grabbing my clothes who were spread around the room I put them on and brushes my hair in Alex's bathroom. When I got out of the bathroom I looked at Alec peacefully sleeping, I walked to him and gave him a last kiss on his lips and walked out when I walked out I ran into Jace "hey Jace what are you doing her" I asked "I could ask you the same thing, but I was looking for Alec there has been spot demons close to the du mort" he said "are you okay" he said placing a hand on my cheek "y....yeah I am fine" I said resting my head in his hand and closing my eyes for a second "but what are you doing her" he asked "euhhhhh I was also looking for Alec I needed his advice for something" I said "for what?" He asked "a little secret" I said kissing his lips "but he is still sleeping, why don't we go to you're room" I said placing a hand on his chest and placing a kiss on his lips "that is a great idea" he said picking me up and I giggled into his neck
Alec POV:
I woke up in an empty bed I looked around the room and Clary her clothes were gone. I walked into the bathroom when I heard Clary talk in the hallway to Jace. When she said "why don't we go to you're room" and Jace said that is was a good idea I heard Clary giggle and then it was silence. I walked to the shower and quickly took a shower put on some clothes and walked out walking into..........

You guys probably hate me right now but don't worry it gets better..........

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