Chapter 31

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Alec POV:

I was on my way back to Magnus I couldn't face my parents or at least my mom not and I don't know if she told my dad or not. Even though the lockdown was over I was still head of the Institute which surprised me because I thought Lydia would take over I haven't seen Lydia since the wedding and to be honest I don't want to talk to her.

When I arrived at Magnus his loft I walked in seeing an empty loft "Magnus" I looked around not seeing him "in the bathroom" he yelled I walked to the bathroom seeing him standing in front of the mirror with a towel around his waist "I thought you had something at the Institute" he asked looking at me confused "yeah well it wasn't a big thing so it was done pretty quickly" I walked over to him giving him a kiss "I'm gonna change" I said walking out of the bedroom since there was still a bag with clothes here I grabbed my sweatpants but couldn't find my shirt "Magnus, have you seen my shirt" I said standing in the bedroom with only my sweatpants on. Magnus walked in with my shirt and a pair of boxers on. "Well there is my shirt," I said smirking at him "you want him back," Magnus said already taking it off. I rushed over to him holding him from taking it off "no it looks good on you" I gave him a long passionate kiss before I got into bed grabbing my phone and just scrolling through my phone. "Are you waiting for someone to call?" Magnus asked leaning against the wall "uuhhhh no, not necessarily?" I say as I put it down on the nightstand "okay," Magnus said suspicion. He got into bed I opened my arms so he could snuggle into my neck while I hold in close to me we both fell asleep I did really miss this.

I was looking around a dark room seeing nothing but 4 people standing in front of me about 6 feet away from me. When I walked closer I saw..."Jace" a knife appeared behind him and slowly let him slide over his throat but not cutting it "your precious parabatai would be so devastating if something would happen to him" Carmen came from behind me laying a hand on my shoulder "leave them alone" I said looking at her and slapping the hand away "let's move on to the next one....let's say your precious little brother what was his name again...oh yeah Max" she said. I looked over tot he little boy informs of me I dagger was held to his throat "but he is not the only one we have...your sweet little sister Isabelle, oh and don't forget...Magnus Bane your sweet sweet lover" "what do you want" I said facing her "I want you to choose" she said pointing at Magnus, Izzy, Max, and Jace "no no no no no" I muttered looking at them now everyone had a dagger in front of there throat "choose one or you'll die" she said walking to Magnus, Izzy, Max, and Jace "CHOOSE!" She yelled "no I can't, I can't" I want to run away but I can't I can't move, "I said CHOOSE" Carmen yelled at me "choose one or all of them including you will die," she said walking to me. "Alexander, look at me....look at me" I hear Magnus say "I am so so sorry," I said I grab the seraph blade that Carmen is holding on her belt and slide open my throat. I hear Carmen scream and then it is black. "Alexander Alexander wake up hey it is me it is me, wake up" I hear Magnus yell around me I try to see something but I can't see anything just black...

Magnus POV:

I feel something besides me kicking and moving when I look beside me I see Alec moving and kicking around I placed my hand on his cheek slowly tapping it "Alexander look at me...look at me" I said holding his body down and to protect my self. "I am so so sorry," he said really scared. His body stopped moving and he stopped kicking "Alexander Alexander wake up hey it is me it is me, wake up" I said patting his cheek and holding his in a tight embracement. I said there for a while hoping he would wake up when he started moving my again I started yelling again but nothing worked he was talking about a girl his family and me. When he calmed down again I was rubbing his head trying to calm him down.
Out of no were he gasped loud sitting straight up the bed "hey hey are you okay" I asked looking at him holding cheek and looking for anything bad "yeah I am fine, go back to sleep" he said quickly. I looked at him when he got up he walked into the living room " where are you going" I asked looking at him worried "I'm gonna grab something to drink go back to bed I will be there in a sec" she said closing the door behind him leaving me alone in the bedroom.

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