Chapter 2.51

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Week later:

"Stand up, Alec we need to move," Jace said patting his cheek. "Alec wake up," Jace said using Alec his healing rune again. Alec gasped loud holding his stomach and sitting up straight. "Finally, I thought I'd lost you," Jace said helping Alec up. "I'm fine, where are they," Alec asked looking around. There had been demon reports in different woods around the world several shadowhunters failed in taking them down so now they send their two best. "They run after they hit you they just ran like little kids," "they never do that," Alec said grabbing his bow and arrow. "Great, arrows broken." Alec said. "We need to get to the nearest Institute, I need to get those fixed," Alec said grabbing his last seraph blade.
"Yeah let's go," Jace said patting Alec on his shoulder.

"So why the ring," Jace asked happy. "Magnus prop....osed," Alec said looking at his hand not seeing the ring Magnus gave him. "The ring it's gone," Alec said looking around and started to run back to the place where he woke up hearing Jace yell his name.

"Alec, Alec we need to go, now, they are coming again," Jace yelled trying to pull Alec away and put. Alec was spitting through the leaves on the ground trying to find that ring. "Alec we need to go now," Jace said pulling Alec away. "The ring...but why," Alec mumbled. "Alec you can tell me everything later but we need to go now," Jace said. "Go, I will catch up," "Alec we are paraba..." "Jace wha..." before Alec could finish his sentence he felt a sharp pain in the back of his neck.

Alec groaned in pain opening his eyes trying to rub his head but his hands were chain. "Jace," was all he could mumble. "Oh thank gosh you're alive," Jace said trying to reach Alec. "What happened," Alec asked still trying to rub his head. "I don't know but what ever they are or who they are they are pretty stupid because you my brother have your stele in your pocket," Jace said smirking. "Well grab it," Alec said crawling over to Jace so he could grab it. "Jace turned around reaching out to Alec his stele and grabbed it. "Come on we don't know when they come back," Alec said holding his hands out still with his back facing Jace. "Got it," Jace said happy while Alec his chains fell on the ground. "Come on," Jace said handing Alec the stele.

"Let's get the hell out of here," Alec said helping Jace up. "Oh you are not going anywhere, the blond one can leave, you stay, I need your help with this." Someone with a big black coat and a cape over his head held the ring Magnus gave Alec in between his thumb and index finger. "Give that back," Alec threatened. "Oh no no no no no I need this to get my magic back," the guy said locking his hand around it. "Your magic, that's an engagement ring," Alec said in disbelief. "Your precious fiancé lied to you this ring is filled with magic," the guy said. "Blond one, leave," the guy said turning to Jace. "Not without Alec," Jace said stubborn. "Jace go tell Magnus what happened," Alec said. "Listened to your parabatai," the guy said putting the ring on his finger. "take that off." Alec threatened the guy. "Oh no I need this," the guy said waving his hand creating a portal. "Jace go," Alec said pushing Jace towards the portal. "I know you will find me," Alec said smiling at Jace. "We all will." Jace said before walking through the portal.


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