Chapter 2.02

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Alec POV:

"I think I am gonna take a bath or something I could use some rest," I said walking back into my room followed by Magnus. "Okay just let me know if you need anything," Magnus said before laying down on the bed. "Yeah, I will" I walked into the bathroom taking my clothes off and letting water into the bathtub.

3the person:

While Alec was laying on the bathtub thinking about what happened Magnus was laying on the bed doing the same thing until he heard someone gag and gasp but not normal like it was, underwater. Magnus rushed over to the bathroom seeing Alec lay there in the tub holding the sides of the tub to keep him under water. "Alec, come on," Magnus said trying to get Alec out. "Come on, get out," Magnus said again trying to get him out but Alec was to strong "this better work," Magnus said before going underwater kissing Alec. Alec his eyes widen as he let his hands go and moved it to the back of Magnus his neck holding him while getting up. "Oh thank god it worked," Magnus said hugging him while Alec was coughing. When Magnus pulled away Alec was freezing and fainted.

"It is getting worse four times at one night which two of them it practically suicides missions we can't let this go one any longer otherwise we or Alec or maybe both are dead by the end of the week" Alec heard voices say. "Yeah I get that but what are we supposed to do if we tell anyone they are probably gonna lock himself up until he is completely insane and then they will kill him and I am not letting that happen to him" Alec heard a more female voice said "what the hell is going on" Alec said while coughing. "Alec you're awake again thank god," Izzy said rushing over to Alec. "What happened," Alec asked confused. "You were ice cold so you passed out after I pulled you out of the tub" Magnus explained. "what, what do you mean getting me out of the tub and were the hell am I," Alec asked confused "first of all you're in your room and second of all what do you mean don't you remember anything that happened tonight" Magnus asked looking over at Izzy and then back at Alec. "well I remember after I came to you to talk to you we talked and then went to bed" Alec explained looking at Magnus with a confused face "okay well this is odd" Magnus said rubbing his face trying to come up with a plan to tell Alec everything. "okay well..." "Magnus just tell me what the hell is going on" Alec said now a little more frustrated. "you tried to kill yourself twice and then you tried to kill me once and you tried the same with Izzy" Magnus explained. "this is getting too much I'm gonna go for a walk" Alec said getting out of bed walking past Izzy and Magnus "wait you can't go" Magnus said grabbing Alec his wrist "what do you mean I can't go I am not a child" Alec said ripping his hand out of Magnus his grip. "the risk is too big that you try to hurt yourself or others" Magnus said stopping Alec from walking away. "Magnus I promise I will not hurt myself okay now let me go," Alec said "okay," Magnus said a little scared. Magnus stepped aside so Alec could walk out of the room. When Alec walked out of the room Magnus looked over at Izzy "I'm on my way" Izzy said walking out of the room following Alec on a distance. 

"you know they are right" Makayla's voice echoed through Alec his head. "Just leave me alone" Alec mumbled while walking through the rain. " you're not so big without them," Makayla's voice said. "I said leave me alone" Alec yelled "you're acting like you are all tough, but you are so miserable without them" Makayla's voice echoed through Alec his head. "you're not real, you're not real" Alec mumbled starting to walk faster. "you are not real" Alec yelled falling down on his knees with his head in his hands. "but I am" Makayla said. "just end this Alec, just end it" Makayla's voice echoed again. "this is not real, this is not real, wake up" Alec yelled while Makayla kept talking. "WAKE UP...WAKE UP" Alec kept screaming. "Alec," a soft voice said "Alec it's me," the voice said again. Alec looked up seeing Izzy with her hand out reaching for him "no you're not real, you are not real" Alec kept saying "Alec look at me" Izzy said "look at me don't look away look at me" Izzy said slowly walking closer. "count your fingers" Izzy said "Alec hold your hands up and count your fingers" Izzy said again. "1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10.....11" Alec said slowly. "it's a dream, so wake up," Izzy said "but I don't know how I don't know how," Alec said while a tear fell down his cheek. "yes, you do, so think" Izzy said "I don't know I don't know" Alec said again.

"I don't know I don't know" Alec mumbled in his sleep. "Alec are you okay," Magnus asked turning to Alec "I don't know," Alec said now louder. "I don't know, I don't know" Alec kept saying only every time louder and louder until he was screaming. "Alec shh, shh," Magnus said holding him close to his chest. "I don't know" Alec kept saying "Alec wake up," Magnus said. Alec opened his eyes and kept looking into the dark of the room. " you're okay you're okay" Magnus kept saying until Alec his heartbeat was normal and his breathing got back to normal. "it was all a dream" Magnus said looking into the direction Alec was looking "it's okay" Magnus said comforting Alec "it's just a dream" Magnus said

so what do you think do you like it hate it should I stop let me know

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