chapter 16

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Alec POV:

After Magnus left the room I needed to vomit again so I got out of bed when looked around feeling really dizzy and seeing the room spin. "Magnus," I said before everything went black and I passed out holding on to the side of my bed and falling on the hard ground.

Magnus POV:

After I left the room I called Caterina "Magnus how can I help you" she asked on the other side of the line "There is something wrong with Alec I there a possibility that you can come over to check on him"I asked hoping she would say yes "Of course Magnus but get a nurse and let her watch to him first it is gonna take a while before I am there" she said. I calmed down hearing she would be on her way "Thank you, Caterina, see you in a bit" I said hanging up the phone and walking away to the infirmary to get a nurse.

When I walked back to Alec his room followed by a nurse. I was really worried and started walking faster to his room hoping he was okay. When I opened the door I saw Alec laying on the ground with his hand holding the bed and his eyes closed. "Alexander!" I yelled running over to him not paying any attention to the nurse behind me. I quick grabbed Alec by his neck and placed my other arm under his legs lifting him up and placing him on the bed. "Alexander," I said softly patting his cheek trying to wake him up. "let me have a look," the nurse said I looked at her and walked around the bed to sit on the other side of the bed looking at Alec and giving her her space. She opened his eyes and shine in them with a flashlight. I followed every move she made. "When was the last time he ate," she asked looking up at me "I don't know, I think lunch yesterday but I don't know if he had dinner," I said looking at her and back at Alec looking really worried "would you grab a trash can, so he doesn't need to walk to the bathroom when he has to vomit," I nodded walking to the bathroom and quick grabbing the trash can. When I got the nurse walked to the door "Is he okay" I asked before she let. she turned around looking at me "he is gonna be fine he needs rest I placed some medicine on the nightstand he needs to take that when he wakes up maybe you should let his family know that he is like this there is further nothing wrong it looks like just like a fever, dehydrated and not enough food" and with that she left the room leaving me. I walked to Alec side of the bed and placed the trash can on the floor sitting on the bed rubbing his cheek and removed this hair from his sweaty forehead. After a couple of minutes of silence, I heard a knock on the door "come in" I said looking at the door but still holding Alec's hand "Magnus do you kn.....Alec!" I heard Izzy yell "he is okay" I quickly said"just a fever he is gonna be okay I let a nurse look at him Caterina is coming over later too double check him he is gonna be fine," I said walking away from him so Izzy Could sit with her brother. She quickly took his hand sat down on the bed. "Magnus how did this happen" Izzy asked looking at me with fear in her eyes I knew why she was scared she was scared of losing her brother "when we got him out of the 'coma' he was weakened but when the attacks started he insisted to going back to work I tried to stop him but he needed to be at the institute, he is weak but he is gonna be fine Izzy" I said looking at her "when is Caterina gonna come" she asked looking back at Alec is sweating and pale face she has to end her shift and the hospital first then she can come so it is gonna take a while, Maybe you should tell Jace and Clary" she looked up at me and nodded "don't leave his side" she said "Never" I looked at her leaving when she got out of the room I sat back down with Alec grabbing his hand and putting a towel in his head to get rite of the sweat on his head. When the sweat disappeared on his forehead I slowly placed my hand on his cold pale cheek . I looked at him when I heard a groan escape his mouth and slowly his eyes opened looking around the room when he looked beside him he caught my eyes "Magnus....what happened" he asked with a weak voice "you passed out nothing to worry about what were you doing on the ground" I said standing up and grabbing a glass of water from the bathroom "the last thing I know is that I needed to vomit again so I wanted to go to the ba-" when he didn't end his sentence I looked at him and saw his hand on his mouth while he was trying to get out of bed "no no no here" I said walking to him and grabbing the trash can so he could vomit. I placed my hand on his back making him flinch in fear "hey it is me you're okay" I said slowly rubbing circles on his back. When he was done coughing I placed the trash can down as he payed back down "can you-" he placed his hand on the bed next to him and without saying anything I nodded laying down next to him on the bed holding him while he snuggled he head in my chest and hugged me tight "thank you" he said before falling asleep in my arms

I heard a knock on the door when I looked up I saw Izzy her head coming in. I waved that she could come in but needed to be quiet because Alec was asleep. She walked in followed by Jace and Clary hand in hand. Alec told me what happened between him and Clary but I said that he needed to say it himself. I got of the bed walking out of the room giving Alec, his siblings and friend a moment alone not that they could talk much because he was asleep but okay. I walked out of the institute to just have a little walk clearing my head when I bumped into someone "I am sorry" I said looking up because I was looking at the ground when I looked up I saw Camille.

Camille and I dated for a long time she helped me but hen she broke my heart "Magnus honey nice to see you again" she said looking at me. After we broke up I was devastated but somehow she kept been in some sort obsession with me "nothing Camille what are you doing around the institute" I said placing a hand between us and stepping back because she walked closer to me "oh come on Magnus I know you want me" she said placing a hand in my chest "no I don't" I said turning around trying to walk away. "Don't walk away for me?" she said "that is what I am doing?" I said not looking back at her "I will get you back hon" she said before I walked to the institute again straight to Alec's room.

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