chapter 2.23

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Alec walked into the hunter's moon ordering a beer and sitting on the bar as music was playing on the background and shadowhunters, and downworlders were talking. "you, know what, make it 3 shots," Alec said to the bartender. "here you go," the bartender said placing three shots on the bar as Alec took the first one and the second one but getting stopped by someone approaching him. "never, thought I would see Alec Lightwood drink his sorrows away," the shadowhunter said leaning against the bar next to Alec and ordering a beer. "leave me alone Underhill," Alec said looking away from him. "don't worry I won't tell anyone," Underhill said when he got his beer. "okay I have had two strong shots and I am gonna take my third you don't wanna start a fight with me when I am drunk," Alec said mad before taking his last on and ordering a martini before walking away.

Alec walked out of the hunter's moon drunk and was on his way to the pandemonium to get even drunker. Alec walked inside of the club straight to the bar and ordering another three shots. "and make it a double," he shouted after the bartender. When the bartender came back with Alec his three shots Alec was talking to some guy who he had just met. "come on," Alec said when he took his last shot and grabbed the guy by his wrist walking into the crowd. Alec never was the one who would party but well he was drunk (great excuse to hook ALec up with...) After a while, a shorter man with black hair and makeup walk over to Alec and the guy. "I'll take it from here he said grabbing Alec by his arm. "hey whoa, what are you doing," the man said giving Magnus a small push which he afterward better never could have done. Magnus pushes the guy hitting him on his jaw before he fell on the ground. "What do you want Magnus," Alec asked looking at Magnus. "I..." before Magnus could say something Alec just walked off, "Hey, let me take you home," Magnus said when he walked outside following Alec. Alec stopped walking standing with his back to Magnus. Before he turned around he took a deep breath before Alec could turn around Magnus was standing behind him. "Come with me, we can talk at my place," Magnus said turning Alec around and well you could say that Magnus also wasn't fully sober anymore looked like they both were drinking there sorrows away. "I don't wanna talk," Alec said before kissing Magnus and grabbing his waist to pull him closer.


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