Chapter 2.48

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"Magnus, I am sorry I got to go, got a text from Izzy," Alec said putting on his pants while he was wearing a black shirt and his towel was hanging over his right shoulder. "When are you gonna be back," Magnus asked looking up from his book seeing Alec his wet hair on his forehead. "Hopefully before dinner, or in a couple of hours," Alec said walking over to Magnus while tilted his head so Alec could give him a kiss. Alec smiled when Magnus grabbed Alec by the back of his neck holding him hoping he wouldn't go. After everything they have been through it was nice to some time just be together but even Alec had duties at the Institute. "Don't worry, she is locked up in Idris and I am not going anywhere," Alec said when he saw a tear run down Magnus his cheek. "I'll be back later tonight," Alec said whipping the tear away and gave Magnus another kiss before grabbing his things and leaving.

Alec walked into his office not soon after Izzy burst into his office. "I found this," Izzy said holding out a round small metal box covered in runes. "Nice I moved out a couple of weeks and you are already going through my stuff that I left," Alec said sitting down behind his desk. "Are you seriously considering it," Izzy asked placing the box down in front of him. "After everything we been through, I do," Alec said looking at his sister. A big smile appeared on Izzy her face.

"When did you got it," Izzy asked still smiling. "A two days ago, how is mom I haven't spoken to her ever since," Alec asked looking up at his sister. "She is recovering, just like the rest of us how are you and Magnus doing," Izzy asked sitting down on a chair. "We're pulling through," Alec said holding the small box in his hands. "Magnus sometimes till has a hard time without his magic but we try, how are you and Simon," Alec asked looking up. "Simon is over protective and sweet always asking if I'm okay, and me...I'm trying my best to get through it just like everyone else," Izzy said letting out a deep breath looking at her arm a deep scar was visible on her arm. "Izzy, I am so sorry," Alec said. After all these weeks Alec was still blaming himself for everything that has happened.

"Alec, you need to stop blaming yourself, you didn't do anything, it was Makayla," "Izzy, I couldn't save you I couldn't save mom, Jace, Clary even Magnus, I couldn't protect anyone," Alec said slamming his hand on his desk. Izzy stood up walking over to her brothers grabbing his hand pulling them so he would stand up and she wrapped her arms around her brothers neck holding him while he didn't know what to do but after a few second he hugged her back. "Do it Alec, ask Magnus to marry you...."

Sort of cliffhanger thing? Thoughts????

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