Chapter 6

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A/N:Okay so I am in a good mood today so I am gonna give you you're next chapter enjoy and don't forget to let me know what you think 💭

Alec POV:

"Alec can w.........." I looked at my door and saw Magnus. I let go of Clary her waist and stepping away from her "Okayyyyy, this is awkward" I said looking at Clary "I'm gonna go and let"Clary said walking out. "so"I said looking at Magnus "I wanted to talk to you but clearly you were busy" he said turning around wanted to walk out. "Magnus wait," I said grabbing his arm "there was a moment it meant nothing," I said. "okay so our moment last night also meant nothing," Magnus said angry "Magnus that is not what I am saying I never liked or loved clary and you know that I told you that last night or did you forget our conversation from last night" I said now also a little angry "no I didn't forget that but you said you liked a downworlder then you kissed me so I get the feeling that I am the downworlder and then the next morning you say it was a mistake, you know maybe I shouldn't have come here in the first place and maybe indeed last night was a mistake, goodbye Alexander" Magnus said now sad "Magnus wait it..."but he was already gone. What have I done.

later the evening:

Alec POV:

I had been working all day thinking about Magnus and what he said. Maybe he was right maybe, maybe last night wasn't a mistake maybe it was an eye-opener for me. I need to see Magnus.

I grabbed my jacket walking out of the institute to Magnus his loft. It was cold outside so I immediately zipped up my jacket when my bare skin touched the cold air of Brooklyn.

When I arrived at Magnus his loft I saw the door was open. "Magnus," I asked slowly open the door completely and grabbing my Seraph Blades slowly walking into the loft. When I saw Magnus laying on the couch with 3 empty bottles of Alcohol, I let me seraph blade slip out of my hand and I rusted over to Magnus. "Magnus, wake up," I said holding him against my chest "Magnus please," I said feeling a cold tear falling down my cheek. I picked Magnus up in bride style laying him in bed and pulling the sheets over his body. I sat down next to him on the bed holding his hand looking at his face. When I heard my phone ring I stood up leaving Magnus in his room.

"with Alec," I said picking up the phone

"Alec where are you," Izzy asked over the phone

"I am at Magnus his loft and I can't leave. Magnus is in a pretty rough state" i said looking into Magnus his room

"what happened," Izzy asked

"we go in a fight and he has drank almost 4 whole bottles of alcohol and I want to be here when he wakes up," I said walking into the kitchen grabbing a glass of water, a pill and placed it on Magnus his bedside table

"Alec I am so sorry, be there for him we will figure this out," Izzy said

"thanks, izz, I see you later," I said hanging up

I walked to the couch laying down falling asleep thinking about Magnus.

the next morning:

This time I didn't wake up by the sunshine on my face, no I woke feeling a wall against my back.

"What the hell are you doing here," Magnus said pushing me against the wall "Magnus let me go I found you here last night unconscious," I said placing a hand on Magnus his shoulder. " I was worried," I said looking in his eyes with pain. he slowly loosened his grip letting me fall on the ground gasping for air. "Alec, I want you to leave thanks for helping me but you have hurt me and I can't pretend like it didn't hurt me," he said opening the door with his magic and looked down "Magnus please," I said grabbing his hand "go," he said coldly I looked at him seeing a sad look on his face. Then I grabbed my jacket and walked to the door when I looked back to the loft I looked at Magnus thinking that this was the last time I was gonna see this loft in a long time "don't drink your sorrows away that won't help"I said to Magnus and then walked out of the building on my way back to the institute. When I got back I just ignored everyone and went straight to my room I really messed this up.

Magnus POV:

when Alec left I broke down what did I just do...

what did you guy think of this part ????

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