Chapter 34

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Clary POV:

When we got back from Magnus his loft I was thinking about what Magnus said and what Alec said to Jace did he really used me or did he needed to say that. I was laying on my bed when I heard a knock on the door without asking who it was I said "come in" I looked up and saw Alec standing in the door opening "oh hey" I said sitting up from my bed with my back against the headboard of the bed "you may have the rune but you will never be a shadowhunter" he said stepping into my room and closing the door. "what" I looked at him "you know what I am saying you used Raziels only wish to get Jace back, you know if those attacks never stop then we could have used the wish but no Clary Fray needed to use it to get her boyfriend back, you know I may have said that I would have done that same thing but I don't know it, maybe I wouldn't have done it because Jace would have been ready to die for it," I didn't know what to say so I just said nothing "you know you should have died in the gard" "Alec what the hell are you talking about this is not you" I got up from the bed walking over to him "this is me, right here right now" Alec said opening the door "Alec wait" I said but he was already gone something was up with himbe didn't look like he ment it, It was like he was forct to it, like he was forct to say it. I walked to the ops center looking for Izzy when I saw her talk to Simon. When she saw me smiling at the two of then she started blushing. simon looked around seeing me standing but before they could come into my direction I walked away hoping they would keep talking, I walked away bumping into Jace "Jace I was looking for you we need to talk" I said.

I walked into my room followed by Jace "what is up" Jace asked confused closing the door behind him. I turned around facing him "Alec came up to me saying weird things about the night that you died and that I should have died in the gard and..." "I'm gonna kill him," Jace said turning around "Jace wait" I grabbed his arm stopping him from walking out of my room "there was something off about him he was acting weird like he didn't mean to like he was forced" I explained Jace everything "I knew it" Jace said "look we need to find Alec before something happens but we can't tell him that we know something is off it seems like he is pushing us all away we need to keep acting like we hate him and if he tries to do the same with Izzy she needs to do the same thing hopefully he then he will keep doing it and we can find out what is going on. I felt my phone buzz in my pocket. "Magnus," I said picking up the phone"Clary is somebody with you," Magnus asked quickly "yeah Jace," I said "okay can you two come over to my loft we need to talk, about Alec" "okay we will be on our way" I said looking up at Jace "okay see you in 10" I said hanging up "we need to go to Magnus" I dragged Jace out of my room "doesn't Izzy have to come" Jace asked "I think she is busy" I said "with Simon" I said dragging Jace with me to Magnus his loft.

I knock on Magnus his door waiting for him to open, when he opened the door he practically pulled us into the loft "wow calm down what is going on" Jace said "okay so after you left Alec got a phone call without saying anything to me he walked to the bedroom I heard him talking to someone he didn't say a name but he was talking about us and you guys, after he hung up I knock at the door and when I walked in he asked if it was really a client that was standing at the door or that it was you guys but without getting an answer from me he left and I don't know what is going on so explain" Magnus said on one breath

"Okay slow down why did Alec think it was a client" Jace started "I said it was a client at the door instead of you guys" Magnus explained "okay well Alec came to me talking about how I was supposed to be dead and that I am not a real shadowhunter" I looked at Magnus as his face went from concert to confusion "wait I don't get it Alec would ne..." " but he did so we can discuss what he did or we can find a way to find out why he is doing this" Jace cut Magnus off "NO we don't we wait until Alec does something again maybe we can start with placing microphones in your bedroom" I said pointing at Magnus "and in Alec his bedroom in the Insitute and maybe even the office" "Clary why in the office Alec isn't the head anymore" Jace said looking at me "no that is true but he can go there to answer a call. I know it may sound stupid but we can atleast try it" I looked over at Magnus who gave me a nod I looked back at Jace and I saw the hesitation in his eyes "Jace if you don't do this now who knows what Alec is gonna do, let's just go back and place the microphones Magnus can you do it here" I looked at Magnus he gave me a quick nod I took Jace his hand and walked out back to the institute

I walked into the office from Lydia and placed a microphone behind a book when I was done I walked back to the ops center seeing Izzy looking at some paperwork "had a fun time with Simon" I said walking over to her. She looked up and blushed "we just talked" Izzy said blushing even more "sure you did" I said winking at her "what" she said "i believe you Izz anything from the attacks" I asked her "no it has been clear for a while now it stopped right when Alec started...that can't be" she moved her roll chair to a screen "what is it Izzy" I asked "the attacks stopped when Alec started acting strange" "no Izzy...can it" I asked looking at her "Alec himself never but he does is the only one who actually has seen the demon in real life we only s=have seen it on camera" Izzy explained "nothing the cameras are clean or someone is looping the footage of Alec is not the demon we are looking for" Izzy closed the security camera's from the screens and got back to her paperwork "I need a  file medical records maybe there is more stuff our parents never told us besides being in the circle" "well I can't get there so sorry but you are no your own on this one" Clary said "don't worry I will let you and Jace know if I find something"I gave a quick nod and walked away leaving Izzy alone to her work. I walked to the training room bumping into Simon "hey Fray" Simon said smiling "hey you =, okay no talking around what is it between you and Izzy" I said smirking and giving him a soft slap  on his shoulder "there is nothing to say she is just a good listener that is everything" "Okay I am not judging but how are with you know your mom and stuff" I looked at him as I saw the pain standing in his eyes "it still hurts but Izzy helps me" I didn't say anything I just pulled him in a hug. We stood there hugging for a while. "thank Fray" Simon pulled away "see you later okay need to go have a lot on my plate right now" "yeah, see you Clary" I gave Simon a last hug before he walked out fo the Insitute.

I thought let's do a chapter with no Alec POV or Magnus just Clary but what did you think and what about Carmen were did she go

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