Chapter 2.26

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After his short talk with Izzy, Alec thought about everything that has happened he understood that what he did, that breaking up with Magnus was a mistake. Alec was looking all over his room for his phone under his bed inside his jacket "damn it," Alec said walking around his room looking for his phone when Jace walked in. "What's wrong," Jace asked when he saw Alec walking around his room. "Lost my... I got to go," Alec said when he remembered what happened last night leaving a confused Jace standing in his room.

"Magnus," Alec said knocking on his door. "Magnus," Alec yelled knocking on the door again. "What do you want Shadowhunter," Magnus said when he opened the door. "I...I need to talk to you and I...," "left your phone," Magnus said cut off Alec his sentence and handing Alex his phone. "Magnus wait," Alec said placing a hand on the door when Magnus was about the close the door. "What do you want," Magnus said cold. "We need to talk," Alec said opening the door further. "Well I can't stop you it seems," Magnus said walking inside his apartment followed by Alec who closed the door. "Magnus, I have made a lot of mistakes, but I know one thing I did has been the biggest mistake in my life, and that was breaking up with you," Alec said walking in looking at Magnus his back. Magnus stopped when he heard Alec his sentence he turned around seeing Alec walk over too Magnus stopping a few inches in front of him. Alec looked at Magnus his lips and then back into his eyes. Alec grabbed Magnus his waist stepping closer to him before leaning in and kissing him....

Sorry for the super short chapter...but what does this mean for the two of them let me know your thoughts????

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