127) a decision

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srry for not posting so long... I fee terrible, but I had a good reason not to post... enjoy this chapter

Magnus reached out to Alec his hand grabbing the ring. "Magnus, don't, he is lying, he will destroy everything," Jace said. Dean turned around slamming Jace into a wall again. Magnus looked at the ring in his hand over to Jace, Clary, Izzy and last Alec. Magnus knew very well that if he would give Dean the ring he would lose his magic again and he would make Dean stronger then he was before, but he needed to protect Alec. Magnus inhaled deeply before placing the ring in Dean his hand. Dean chuckled putting the ring in the same finger of the other ring as they became one Magnus started groaning as he fell of the ground Alec woke up just before Dean stepped through a portal. Alec rubbed his head looking around the room seeing Magnus lay in the ground. "Magnus, Magnus look at me," Alec quickly said holding Magnus his body, "it's okay," Magnus said reaching out for Alec his cheek. "I'm fine," he said whipping a tear away, "you may be but the entire world is in danger," Jace said helping Izzy up while Clary was whipping the dust of her clothes. Alec stood up helping Magnus up. "We need a plan," Jace said looking at everyone.

Everyone walked back into the Institute while Alec was helping Magnus because he was still a bit weak. "What the hell is going on," Izzy asked when she saw shadowhunters run around. "Hey," Izzy said holding a shadowhunter still. "The LA Institute has been under attack a warlock," the shadowhunter explained. "Dean," Alec said looking at Izzy. "Why would he attack, LA," Jace asked. "Max and dad," Alec said string to of Magnus while Clary helped Magnus. Alec grabbed his phone pacing through the ops center. "Max thank god, are you and dad okay," Alec asked as soon as Max picked up. "Oh he is fine, you may wanna get your Institute together," Dean said over the phone. Alec turned around taking the phone from his ear putting him on speaker. "Everybody listen up," Alec yelled getting everyone's attention. "The LA Institute is perfectly fine, but not for long and give you all an option, bring me Magnus Bane and Alec Lightwood and then I will leave you alone otherwise enjoy your last days, you got 48 hours," Dean said over the phone before hanging up. Alec felt a hand on his shoulder and when he turned around Izzy was there. "You need to get out of here," Izzy said pushing him towards Magnus. Alec walked over to Magnus helping him out of the Institute after he said goodbye to his siblings and Clary.

"Magnus are you okay," Alec asked when they finally got into his loft. "Yeah, I just need some rest," Magnus said. When Magnus was laying on his bed under the covers Alec walked out of the room. Alec held his phone to his ear waiting until someone picked up. "I'll come but don't you dare touch Magnus..."


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