chapter 2.50

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Alec woke up hearing his phone ring and feeling a hand on his cheek. When he opened his eyes Magnus looked at him with his hand resting on Alec his cheek. "that thing has been going for over 10 minutes," Magnus said with a giggle. "I am sorry I will," Alec stopped his sentence when he saw missed messages from Jace saying that they are gonna leave early. "damn it, Jace," Alec cursed getting out of bed. "hey where are you going," Magnus asked looking at Alec confused. "Magnus, I am so so sorry I would love to spend the morning with you but Jace wanted to leave early, I promise I will be back in a couple of days, I promise," Alec said kissing Magnus with everything be had before separating their lips again. "I love you, and I will see you in a couple of days," Alec said before leaving the room ALec may seemed cool about it deep down Alec was scared that something would happen to Magnus or him or Izzy.

"finally," Jace said when he saw Alec walk into the institute. "where the hell where you," Jace asked handing Alec his bow. "I was a bit tight up last night," Alec said smiling at the memory. "that' you m..." "no not literally, I mean we did it b..." "to much information Alec," Jace said handing Alec the last couple of things before saying goodbye to Clary and Izzy. "stay safe, and alive, please," Izzy whispered in Alec his ear. "don't worry Izzy, we will be fine," Alec said pulling away from the hug turning to Clary. "stay safe and keep an eye out on Jace will you," she said hugging me. "don't worry, I won't take my eyes off him I give him 30 minutes before he will be in trouble," Alec said giggling. "make that 15," Clary said laughing. "stay safe," she said one more time before a warlock opened a portal and Jace and Alec both disappeared.

short chapter also a sort of cliffhanger next chapter will be a time skip so stay tuned...

any other thoughts???

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