A Burning Smell

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We arrived at the village, it was very lively at this time of night and it seemed that everyone knew each other. I had never seen this before, it made me really interested. Everyone was doing something, the villagers were cooking bread or farming, the children were playing, music played from parts of the streets, and everyone seemed... Happy. I watched as everyone greeted Steve happily. 

That was when I felt the anger build in. I had never got these when I used to roam this world. Everyone hated me, feared me and bullied me for no reason. This should've been me, I should be the one being praised. The village that had once seemed interesting to me was now what I loathe

I teleported behind a bakery, it was wooden so my plan was going to be easy. I let a flame escape onto my hand and I touched the wood of the house. I then blew gently at it and the fire started to spread quickly. The building went up in flames, the villager had escaped screaming. It was sad, I wanted the villager to have burned alive. 

I teleport to the forest outside of the village, being next to a tree. I watched as Steve yelled out, "Everyone evacuate the village! The village is on fire!" Every villager and player ran towards the city in the south. Steve stopped and looked to the village, only to see me watching him. I knew he could only see my glowing pale eyes in this darkness. 

If looks could kill, I swore I would have been disintegrated because Steve was so angry at me. No one even noticed him looking at me nor as he ran to me. 

He slowed down as he came near, panting like a dog, and he slouched over to catch his breath. Once done, he stood straight and looked at me straight in the eyes. "What have you done to my village, Herobrine?" He asked, glaring at me. I just grinned and stared, not answering his question. He got closer to me and poked my chest with his finger, how dare he. "This is my land, Herobrine. I don't care if your a god, but you can't just trespass into my land and burn everything!" He yelled in my face, he was surprisingly taller than me from my realization. 

I ignored him, scowling, and I started to walk away. He doesn't need to know why I had burned his village. I hear Steve behind me make a scoffing noise and the next thing I know, my hand was grabbed. I froze as I was turned around, facing Steve. His face was right in front of me, frowning, "I was talking to you" He said as he glared at me, it was cute. I smirked, "Well I don't care, but," I paused before continuing, anger coursing through me, "Do not touch a God" I push him down and he landed with a huff. 

With that, I left and he yelled behind me, "Get back here you jerk!" He pulled my hand and we both fell back with a huff onto the ground. I rolled off of him and I look at him, sighing heavily. We both stood up and I made him look at the village. Smoke rose from the village and yet there was one house untouched by the flames. It was Steve's house and everything else had been burned to the ground. I grinned, "Go and start a new village, but don't expect me to not come every now and then darling" I whispered and pushed him towards his village. 

He had looked at me before running to the village to search his house, to make sure it wasn't just a copy or a fake. I laughed at him softly, it was very cute. Though I had business to tend to. 

I had teleported to the old house that I had before I was announced dead by my brother. I was very shocked that it was still standing after this whole time, I thought someone could've chopped it down. I entered cautiously and looked around. I froze when I saw someone inside my house and my heart dropped...

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