Trial Time

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Notch walked into the room, a guard following suit behind him. He looked very angry, it kinda scared me but it didn't phase Entity at all.

He looked at me then at Entity, nodding and acknowledging both of us.

"Come stand in front of me you two." He said simply as he stood there, arms crossed behind his back.

I got up from the bench and walked over to him. I stood in front of him and Entity followed suit, standing next to me.

He had his arms crossed his chest and I just stood there awkwardly, one arm crossed my chest and holding the other arm.

The look in Notch's face was unnerving. It was scary! It just kept my body in panic and anxiety was plastered all over my body, fear making my body tremble under our older brothers gaze.

Entity sighed and rolled his blazing red eyes. "Get on with it old man. I just want to see who gets out and who stays." He said unappreciated with this whole thing.

Notch looks at him before raising a brow, "well. If your so pushy. Then who was the one between you two who had done the effect to wizards?" He asked. I wanted to say it... but I know better than to interrupt Notch's thought if he was focused on talking to one person.

Entity chuckled, grinning darkly, "I'm not telling you that. I think it was Null. Maybe it was me. I'm not telling you." He shrugged. This just rose my panic I had even more. He was trying to get out. I want out, I know I should get out because I did nothing!

Looking at me, Notch nods for my saying. I lightly froze and I panicked. "It was entity! He tried doing it to me but since I have this anti-magic fog around me, it kinda just bounced off. The spell was from entity but I didn't know he was planning it! I didn't even know he did it nor what happened! None of this was any accords to my fault!" I spurred out and Notch stared, nodding approvingly.

Notch then turned his gaze to Entity. "Is this true?" He asked, a golden glow in his gold hazel eyes. He had his lie-detector spell on.

Entity shrugged and glanced away before looking back at Notch. "Yea and so what if it was my fault? He was being annoying with his magic. So I tried to put that spell on but I completely forgot about his anti-magic fog. Then it kinda just exploded off of him, knocking him out, and spreading like wildfire."

Notch thought about both of our choices and nods softly. He left towards the door without a word and I flinched, "brother! I mean Notch! When will we know who will get to stay and who will get to leave?" I blurted.

He paused in his steps and glanced at me, smiling. "Tomorrow. See you two tomorrow. Until then, you two have fun in here. Food will be brought in 30 min." He then left.

Standing there shocked, I fell to my knees. Another day of waiting. I won't be able to sleep with knowing our answers will be tomorrow.

Entity kicked my thigh, growling, "Hey cry baby. Don't even start crying or I'll sew your mouth shut with these blades of grass. Your cries are annoying." He then left to where he sat before, in the tree.

I just sat there as the lights turned on around the room. Now it was bright instead of dim. I couldn't move. It felt like I was suffocating because I couldn't do anything or my brother will come at me. There was no guard to watch us, but I know there were cameras.

After a few minutes, I got up and I went to the furthest bench from him. He possibly couldn't hear me from here. Or at least I hope not.

I pulled on my long black hair, shaking my head. This stress and anxiety was just eating at my brain. Who was gonna be let out? Who was gonna be staying? Or if both of us would stay? What would happen?

It seemed like forever before I fell asleep.

When I woke, Notch was in front of me. I screamed as I scrambled up in my spot. He let out a laugh, smiling.

Entity was next to him, very upset for being woken up.

"I've made my decision" Notch said and what he said next made me very happy. Only one of us is staying.

An: oop~ cliff hanger XD sorry (not sorry)

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